La photojournaliste Armineh JOHANNES à New-York à l’Agora Gallery


Karabagh Conflict- Comattants at Shahoumyan Airport in Northern Karabagh

Funeral of a Combattant (from the Karabagh conflict) in Yerevan, Armenia Funeral of a Combattant (from the Karabagh conflict) in Yerevan, Armenia

Funeral of a Combattant (from the Karabagh conflict) in Yerevan, Armenia

Child During War in Karabagh Child During War in Karabagh

Child During War in Karabagh

Displaced from Artsakh/Karabagh - Stella and her sister are now living in Voskepar village of Armenia Displaced from Artsakh/Karabagh - Stella and her sister are now living in Voskepar village of Armenia

Displaced from Artsakh/Karabagh – Stella and her sister are now living in Voskepar village of Armenia

Armineh Johannes

The 6th Chelsea International Photography Competition

February 18 – February 25, 2025                                           du 18 au 25 Février 2025 

Reception: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 6-8 PM          Réception : Jeudi 20 Février de 6: à 8: pm 18 heures à 20 heures


Photos  : Armineh JOHANNES                                                         copyright à demander à


Catégorie photographie professionnelle:




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