Balikesir : Houshamadyan

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From left: Armenouhi Apelian, Araksi Apelian (later Kolanian), Hagop Apelian


Araksi Apelian-Kolanian Collection | Thessaloniki | ODA

Our rich collection of articles on Greek-Armenian families is being supplemented with a new article, which explores the family history of Araksi Apelian-Kolanian. One branch of Araksi’s family hails from Balıkesir. In 1922, they fled to the city of Thessaloniki (northern Greece).

A second branch of Araksi’s family hailed from Adapazar and the subdistrict of Gamakh (Kemakh) in the region of Yerzenga/Erzincan. Early on, this family settled in Thessaloniki, while the city was still part of the Ottoman Empire (before 1912).

Araksi’s collection is extremely rich with photographs. Thanks to these, we can visually explore the life of Armenians in Thessaloniki from the late 19th century to the early 20th century.

The article was written by Ani Apikian, and was prepared in collaboration with the Armenika periodical.

Here is the link to the page:

The article was translated into English and Turkish respectively by Simon Beugekian and Arlet İncidüzen.

Best wishes,
Houshamadyan Editorial Board

Balıkesir (du grec ancien : Παλαιόκαστρω, littéralement vieux fort) est une ville de Turquiepréfecture de la province du même nom.

Elle a été la capitale de la principauté (beylicat) des Karesioğulları, annexée par l'Empire ottoman vers 1341, puis du sandjak de Karesi, (turc : Karesi Sancağı), unité administrative qui devient en 1922 la Province de Balıkesir.




Cartographies de la villeCarte

Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap

 La ville dans sa province

1 : carte dynamique ; 2 : carte OpenStreetMap ; 3 : carte topographique ; 4 : avec les communes environnantes

Balıkesir possède un aéroport (code AITA : BZI).

Article connexe : Province de Balıkesir.


Football: Balıkesirspor


  1.  (tr) « Valiler Kararnamesi 2020 Haziran atama listesi! Hangi ilde valiler değişti? [archive] », sur Hürriyet (consulté le ).

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Districts de la province de Balıkesir (10) dans la région de Marmara


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    source wikipedia



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