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David Davidian (Times of Israel) écrit ne pas vouloir de la reconnaissance …. Keghart

octbre 2024

Nous ne voulons pas qu'Israël reconnaisse le génocide turc des Arméniens

Pendant des décennies, les Arméniens et leurs partisans en Israël ont cherché à convaincre le gouvernement israélien de reconnaître officiellement le génocide des Arméniens perpétré par les Turcs pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, tandis que les lobbies américains pro-israéliens, comme l’AIPAC, ont travaillé avec diligence pour dissuader les États-Unis de reconnaître officiellement cette extermination des Arméniens comme un génocide.

Ironiquement, en 1951, le Département d’État américain a cité le sort de ces Arméniens comme exemple de génocide dans une déclaration écrite à la Cour internationale de justice, déclarant : « La persécution des chrétiens par les Romains, les massacres d’Arméniens par les Turcs et l’extermination de millions de Juifs et de Polonais par les Nazis sont des exemples remarquables du crime de génocide. »

Les États-Unis ont officiellement reconnu ce génocide en 2020. Pour de nombreuses raisons, Israël n’a pas reconnu le génocide arménien. La réticence israélienne s’est avérée fortuite. Lire la suite .

iven the current carnage that has befallen Gaza, West Bank Palestinians, and even Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter, Israel has lost the perception of having a moral high ground concerning issues of racist pogroms, massacres, and genocides. This loss is disappointing and will be an issue that will take Israel years to overcome, if ever. It is one thing for Israel to have historically solid ties with Turkey and maintain convenient relations with Azerbaijan, thus contributing to its disregard of the Armenian genocide. Yet, it is another matter entirely when Israel facilitated the Azerbaijani conquest of Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 through the sale of high-tech weaponry to Baku. With this victory, Azerbaijan gained control of an additional 140 km of border with Iran, which benefits those monitoring Iran and inciting separatist tensions in Azerbaijani-speaking regions of northwest Iran. It is not that the Israeli government or Israelis dislike Armenians in favor of Azerbaijanis, but supporting Azerbaijan aligns with Israel’s economic interests and regional political goals. Nonetheless, Israeli arms and technology contributed to the deaths of thousands of Armenians during the 2020 Karabakh War. Ironically, Hamas congratulated Azerbaijan on its conquest of Nagorno-Karabakh, a conquest which eventually led to the violent eviction of 120,000 Armenians, this month last year.

A similar situation occurred in the early twentieth century when both early Zionists and European imperialist powers were interested in fracturing the Ottoman Empire and creating colonial mandates by fostering nationalism among its various ethnic constituents. The aim was to create a parochial ethnic context into the pan-Islamic culture that existed across the empire, thereby facilitating internal strife during World War I and making its disintegration easier in the war’s aftermath. Although there was active debate during early Zionist Congresses about whether to support any despotic Turkish rule, particularly over Armenians, Zionist elements supported the 1908 Young Turk movement that ousted the Ottoman Sultanate. Many of these supporters, known as “Dönme” in Turkish, outwardly adhered to Islam while secretly maintaining their original faith. In 1913, a coup by a virulent nationalist faction of the Young Turks expedited the planning and eventual execution of this genocide.

The historical record is clear: in hastening the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, a fervent pan-Turanist (pan-Turkic) ideology came to dominate the Young Turk movement, actively encouraged by Germans, Austro-Hungarians, and other imperial powers. This crude nationalism had a devastating impact on the Armenians, who were dehumanized and equated with vermin, much like the way ‘supposed non-Aryans’ were characterized by the Nazis. Zionists certainly welcomed the dismemberment of the Ottoman state as it aligned with their goal of establishing a presence in Palestine.

Did these Zionists actively encourage the Young Turks to exterminate Armenians directly? It does not appear so, according to the Nili Network reports. However, as in the 2020 Karabakh War, with overwhelming strategic interests in the dynamic, Armenians became casualties.

It is not necessary to detail the scale of destruction and massive human suffering inflicted upon the Palestinians by the current Israeli government and argue for or against rationalizations offered by the Israeli state, political factions, its citizens, or its supporters who say that Hamas must be eliminated. Events in Gaza have reached genocidal proportions.

I do not speak for all, but this view is supported by many. Any effort to have the government of Israel, or any government capable of causing such extensive human and material devastation, recognize the Turkish extermination of the Armenians as genocide is beyond hypocritical, only to be surpassed by Israeli reco…

David Davidian 

Nous ne voulons pas qu'Israël reconnaisse le génocide turc des Arméniens Par David Davidian

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Lacunes stratégiques dans la conscience politique arménienne Dr. Armen Ayvazyan

« Jérusalem à travers les âges » par Arthur Hagopian

Présentation de notre grand héros arménien, Jirair Tutunjian Par Keith Garebian

La politique étrangère arménienne : une fausse dichotomie à somme nulle Par David Davidian

Nous sommes nos montagnes par Harry Mardirossian

Bienvenue à Nikol Par Vahram Aghajanyan

Les Arméniens de la diaspora pourraient nourrir une armée Dessin animé de Lucine Kasbarian

Présentation YouTube sur le décryptage des mensonges de la communauté de l'Azerbaïdjan occidental

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