
L’Education : comment les communautés chinoise & juive ont réussi en France : Diasporarm


Education Historical Overview

The Armenian identity, renowned since the 12th century across Europe, the Russian and Ottoman Empires, and Asia, has been characterized by industriousness, trustworthiness, and goodwill. Armenian traders made up 10% of the population in Venice, which was the business hub of Europe at the time, akin to modern-day Hong Kong or Dubai.
In 1664, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the State Minister of France, founded "La Compagnie des Indes," a company trading in diamonds and precious stones, and appointed an Armenian, Macara Avanchinz, as its

In India, Armenians were known as “Merchant Princes.”

Among them, Lord Paul Chater was a prominent figure, serving as the principal architect and instigator of Hong Kong, often regarded as the "gem" of the British throne.

Besides supporting the Mother See of Holy Echmiadzin, Lord Chater contributed to his alma mater, the La Martiniere schools. The students there continue to offer daily prayers for the peace of Paul Chater's soul.

The Role of our Schools as Centers of Excellence which raised generations of Armenians who have made a significant impact on their communities and beyond. Armenian Evangelical College 1967 Armenian Evangelical College 1973 I was privileged to be educated at one of the schools of excellence in Beirut.

Beyond imparting knowledge, this institution instilled values such as integrity, discipline, diligence, passion, and altruism.

Diaspora Schools – Current Situation Analysis 1. Decline in Standards •

While 'excellence' was once the norm until the 1980s, 'schools of excellence' are in decline.

2. Lack of Structure • Curriculum: Inconsistent or outdated curricula to meet current educational standards. • Schoolbooks: Shortage or inadequacy of schoolbooks. • Teachers and Teacher Training

3. Uneven Enrollment Rates in Schools • Turkey: 85% enrollment rate. • Cyprus: 7% enrollment rate. • France: 1.5% enrollment rate.

4. Low Rate of Higher Studies

5. Lack of support to students In a community of 40,000 to 50,000 Armenians, only 23 students of Armenian descent were enrolled in Greek universities in 2021. Benchmarks Unicorns*

Unicorns Population Azerbaijan 0 10.4 Turkey 2 86 Armenia 2 2.77 Estonia 10 1.31 Armenian Unicorns: PicsArt, ServiceTitan * Unicorns are startups valued at over 1 billion dollars. Noble Prizes Of Armenian Descent 2 Of Hebrew Descent 221 “The Jews? What do they have more than us?

We too are smart, inventive, creative, and talented.”

Antoine, how many Armenian Noble prize winners are there ?” Hoviv

1. The Wenzhou Tontine The Chinese Wenzhou province community in France has established a community common fund provides interest-free loans to young members aiming to start or businesses. Over the past 20 years, the fund has disbursed a total of €10 billion, facilitating the acquisition of 40,000 businesses across France. This initiative has significantly contributed to the expansion of Wenzhou Chinese owned businesses in France. minorities successful experiences in France

2. Unified Jewish Social Fund https://www.fsju.org/ Annual Budget: 24 000 000 € 60 000 members in a community estimated of 600 000 Year Jewish Schools enrolment Armenian Schools enrolment 1950 400 400 2022 32 000 1 400

While one community has focused on economic development, another has prioritized education, enabling to gain influence in the media and political arenas. https://bitly.cx/jxEI4

In 1991, Boris Yeltsin assumed power in Russia, a nation blessed with abundant resources such as oil, natural gas, gold, diamonds, agriculture, and industry.

Meanwhile, China was an underdeveloped nation where a worker's daily wage barely reached 1 USD. At that time, owning a bicycle was a mark of distinction. The leadership in both China and Russia played pivotal roles in shaping the destinies of their respective nations.

Between 2009 and 2019, China underwent an incredible socio-economic, educational, and industrial transformation. In 2019, China successfully landed a spacecraft on the dark side of the moon, and Shenzhen, a metropolis of 12.5 million people, replaced 20,000 conventional taxis with electric cars. The most spectacular evolution was the transformation of 1.5 billion Chinese people from a largely agrarian and developing society into a civilized and educated population. Shen Zhen – 2001 Shenzhen taxi 2009 New electric taxis in Shenzhen 2019 


Hovel Schenorhikian pour Diasporarm


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