
Cartographie de la diaspora : Diasporarm


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AGBU Manoogian-Demirjian School Country USA Address 6844 Oakdale Ave, Canoga Park, CA 91306 Established year 1976 Enrollment 973 students, 1605 alumni Website https://agbumds.org/ Mission

AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School is a preschool through twelfth-grade school committed to instilling Armenian Heritage and fostering academic excellence in a safe and nurturing learning environment. The college preparatory program inspires students to become critical thinkers, who value their Armenian culture and identity and are equipped to face the ever-changing world.

School example Schools / Greece City School name Enrollment Frequency Language Affiliation Contact Person Title

Alexandropoli s Taronyan one-day school One day EA ARS Sula Kasapyan Teacher

Athens Sophie and Levon Hakobyan school 100 Eveyday ARS Babken Kasabian Principal Athens AGBU "Artaki Galpakyan" College Eveyday WA AGBU Haykanush Minasyan Principal Gomotini Armenian one-day school One day Both ARS Shrohit Balatlyan Principal Kavala One-day course One day ARS Hermine Kurbanyan Principal Nicaea Zavaryan College of Armenian Blue Cross of Greece 70

Everyday WA ARS Haykanush Minasyan Principal Thessaloniki Malakyan-Gasparian Armenian Saturday school One day Both ARS Vera Tahmazian Principal Xanthi One day school

One day Both ARS of Greek Macedonia & Thrace Marietta Sargsyan Principal Xanthi Tsaghkots Sunday School of "Hayastan" public cultural center One day Both Zapel Galfaian Principal Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) Country USA Address 149 Fifth Avenue Suite 500 New York, NY 10010 US

A Established year 2003 Scale of influence Global Mission Empower children and youth across the regions of Armenia through comprehensive resources and innovative SMART initiatives. We enhance education, healthcare, infrastructure and economic development, this fostering sustainable, prospering and vibrant communities in Armenia and for the Armenians.

Profile Since 2003, COAF has invested well over USD $100 mln into development of Armenia. To date, COAF programs have operated in 82 villages across 6 regions, as well as Artsakh, and have impacted over 107,239 beneficiaries through improved education, healthcare, infrastructure and economic development.

The first COAF SMART Center, a hub of excellence and innovation, opened in Lori in 2018; the SMART Centers in Armavir, Goris and Kapan are underway, aiming to ensure at least 10 SMART Centers (at least one for every region of Armenia) in the next 10 years, thus covering all of Armenia.

Expected investments into Armenia in the next 10 years will exceed $300 mln. Annual Budget (2023) App $10.8 mln Programs and Infrastructure App 93% Admin and Management Costs Less than 7% Foundation Example

BelPearl Manufacturing/Wholesales Owner: Pierre Hajjar Established: 1933 Country: Hong Kong – Global Field: Jewelry Product: Pearls Activity: Manufacturing/Wholesales Branches: Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Belgium, Canada, and the USA Website: https://www.belpearl.com/ Profile BelPearl, founded in 1933 in Syria, has become a distinguished player in the global pearl market, renowned for its unwavering commitment to quality.

With the motto “quality over quantity,” the company produces exceptional pearls meticulously fine-tuned to perfection. Throughout its journey, BelPearl has left a significant imprint in the industry.

Expanding their presence, in 1962, BelPearl opened an office in KOBE, Japan, solidifying their Asian market presence.

Notably, in 1972, they broke into the Chinese state monopole, establishing an office in Guangzhou, China.

In 1990, a large-scale factory with 150 skilled professionals was proudly inaugurated. Industry – Example City Company name Established year Revenues Field Specialty Type Products Website Contact Person Position Athens AJB 1983 1M – 10MIndustry & Distribution Engineering Extra Low Voltage products Athens Pipework L. Jirakian Profil S.A 1967 1M – 10MIndustry & Distribution Manufacturing Steel pipes https://tzirakian. com/profil/ Aris Jirakian of Limbaret Vice President and CEO, Chairman of the Board of Directors Elevsina Ovakimia S.A. 1930 100K – 1MIndustry & Distribution Manufacturing Nuts https://www.ov akimian.gr/ Kifisia Avakian Ltd 1950 Industry & Distribution Footwear and leather goods Manufa cturing https://avakian. eu/ Acharnai Grena SMPC Industry & Distribution Textiles & Garments Textile Fabrics https://grena.gr/Gregory Hatsatourian Athens Orofasma 1988 Services & Commerce Jewelry and watches Jewelry Gold https://orofasm a.gr/ Kevork Kolanian Owner Athens Hellenic Opportunity fund Services & Commerce Real Estate Kirk saris K. Kazazian Enterprises – Greece Calibrating and qualifying inputs –

Restaurants Trip Advisor figures of Armenian Restaurants among all restaurants in Beirut Company Name Type Price Grade Rank Total No. of Notes Trip Advisor Link Onno Bistro Armenian-Middle East Cuisine Moderate/ Gastronomic 4.5 6 728 346 Onno Mayrig Armenian-Middle East Cuisine Gastronomic 4.5 7 728 986 Mayrig Seza – Armenian Bistro Armenian-Middle East Cuisine Moderate 4.5 80 728 67 Seza Ichkhanian Bakery Bakery Budget 4.5 108 728 41 Ichkhanian Avagyan Tigran Country Ukraine Country of birth Ukraine Practiced Languages UA, EA, RU, EN, IT Field of Influence Political Science, Security, Education, Culture Positions held Holder Tigran Avakian LIVE

Tigran A. Avagyan, a third-generation Ukrainian-Armenian, is an international analyst and consultant specializing in political and security affairs.

Born in 1975, Avagyan has been a professor of geopolitics and conflict studies at universities for over 15 years, while also holding several senior government positions, notably as Deputy Internal Minister of Ukraine for European Integration from 2014 to 2016. I

n addition to his academic endeavors, Avagyan has been instrumental in military reform efforts and has contributed significantly to high-level discussions on NATO-Ukraine cooperation, notably as a member of the NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on High-Level Military Reform from 2014 to 2017. Dr Avagyan’s other accomplishments include authoring 20 books, initiating an Armenian web site (Encyclopedia), producing a film about Armenian churches in Crimea and Ukraine, while also actively participating in the restoration of Crimea's largest ancient Armenian monastery, Surb Khach.

Dr. Avagyan has also served as the Executive Director of the Ukraine’s Armenian community organization. Sources: https://ua.linkedin.com/in/tigran-dicran-avagyan-avakian-b7984421?trk=public_post_feed-actor-name Azarnia Richard Country France Country of birth Iran Practiced Languages EA, Fr, En, Field of Influence Entrepreneur, investor Positions held Cofounder of Future Armenian Founder of Mlinda, Founder of The Good Investors

Richard Azarnia is a French Armenian investor and entrepreneur, born in 1970. He is the co-the founder of the Future Armenian.

Following a period of practicing law for several years, he became a part of the Booz Allen international consulting firm. Subsequently, he established two entities dedicated to facilitating transformative systemic changes: Mlinda (2005) and The Good Investors (2020). Sources: https://katapultfuturefest.com/voices/richard-azarnia https://conservation-capital-cms.temp-dns.com/meet_the_team/richard-azarnia/ http://www.checkcompany.co.uk/director/147325/RICHARD-AZARNIA

Who’s who example Gikas Hardouvelis Country Greece Country of birth Greece Practiced Languages Greek, English Field of Influence Finance Positions held Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Greece (NBG), Emeritus Professor at University of Piraeus Gikas Hardouvelis, a distinguished Greek economist and former Minister of Finance (2014-2015), was born in Greece in 1955.

His notable contributions include the formulation of the "Hardouvelis law," which played a crucial role in rescuing the Greek banking system from bankruptcy, thus preventing Greece from a catastrophic collapse and its citizens from undue suffering during the challenging times of the Greek economic crisis. Hardouvelis attended Anatolia College in Thessaloniki before pursuing studies in the United States.

He earned both a Bachelor of Science and a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University and subsequently a Ph.D. in Economics from U.C. Berkeley. He became Assistant Professor of Economics at Barnard College, Columbia University, and then Associate and Full Professor of Finance at the Business School of Rutgers University in New Brunswick. He also served as an adviser to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

In 1994, he returned to Greece to contribute to his homeland with his expertise. Hardouvelis is happily married to Susan Bezjian, who is a direct descendant of a survivor of the Armenian Genocide. Their union has been blessed with two sons. Sources: https://hardouvelis.gr/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gikas_Hardouvelis Who’s who example Sample list of Pro-Armenian MP’S Among German Politicians, Journalists and NGOs Group Name in English Name Email Facebook Website German-South Caucasian parliamentary group Martin Gerster, SPDmartin.gerster@bundestag.de https://www.facebook.com/ MdB.Martin.Gerster https://www.martin-gerster.de/ German-South Caucasian parliamentary group Nico Tippelt, FDP nico.tippelt@bundestag.de https://www.facebook.com/ nicotippeltmdb https://www.nicotippeltmdb.de / German-South Caucasian parliamentary group Steffen Kotré, AfD steffen.kotre@bundestag.de https://www.facebook.com/S t.Kotre https://steffenkotre.de/ German-South Caucasian parliamentary group Tabea Rößner, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen tabea.roessner@bundestag.de https://www.facebook.com/r oessner.tabea https://www.tabearoessner.de/ The left Dr. Gregor Gysi, Die Linke gregor.gysi@bundestag.de https://www.facebook.com/g regor.gysi/ https://www.linksfraktion.de/fr aktion/abgeordnete/profil/drgregor-gysi/ 2024 2025 Data assessment and collecting Annual cost of data maintenance

Administrative expenses $40 000 $40 000 Ambassadors (delegates) $75 000 $25 000 Contact investigators $30 000 $10 000 LinkedIn and other Data Harvest $10 000 $2 000 AI services $5 000 $1 000 Content writers $30 000 $10 000 Video production $30 000 $10 000 PR &

Communication $5 000 $5 000 Web site development $10 000 $3 000 Google Map integration of affiliated locations $5 000 $1 000 Security and access management $20 000 $1 000 Legal advice and accounting $10 000 $10 000 Total $270 000 $118 000 Program Budget: www.diasporarm.org

Hovel Schenohikian pour Diasporarm


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