Le projet des archives de Vahakn N. Dadrian : Génocide arménien , 15 mai 2024


The Armenian Genocide Research Program (AGRP), The
Promise Armenian Institute and the Ararat-Eskijian

Museum Research Center (AEMRC)

Invites you to join us for a Zoom webinar for the launching of

Vahakn N. Dadrian Archive Project

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Pacific Time
(1:00 pm Eastern Time)
Speakers include:
AGRP Director Dr. Taner Akçam,

AEM Museum Director Marguerite Mangassarian Goschin,
AGRP 2023-24 Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Anna Aleksanyan,

and Bardig Kouyoumjian

RSVP at bit.ly/AGRP05-15-24

Professor Dadrian’s collection of archival materials and books


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