


Unlocking the Potential of the Nation


In the wide universe of the Diaspora lies a wealth of talent and opportunity waiting to be tapped into. Yet, the lack of effective networking has been a barrier to harnessing its full potential. That’s why we’re excited to announce an all-important initiative aimed at bridging this gap and empowering our global community: the launch of a comprehensive networking platform.

Read the article.

Unified Publishing Platform Initiative


The "Publishing Platform", a landmark feature of the Networking Project, marks DiasporArm's launch of a comprehensive, searchable platform for Armenian and Armenian-related media, including books, music, and films. This user-friendly platform will make it easier to access hard-to-find materials and promote creators, publishers, and vendors globally. Our mission is to enhance the availability of Armenian cultural resources and foster a vibrant community of readers and enthusiasts. By conducting comprehensive market research and collaborating with key partners, we will build a robust database management system and optimize shipping logistics for efficient distribution.

Read the presentation.





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