1 Nouvel Hay Magazine

Hrant Dink award

 HDV Minority Rights Academy application, Civil Society and Artificial Intelligence Workshop




The International Hrant Dink Award is awaiting your nominees!

The International Hrant Dink Award laureates will be announced on September 15th, 2024 for the sixteenth time at this year's award ceremony. You can send your nominations until the 30th of April 2024.

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We are waiting for your applications for the Academy program!

The application process for the academy program of the 'HDV Minority Rights Academy' project has started!

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You are invited: Civil Society and Artificial Intelligence Workshop

The eighth of the workshop series organized within the scope of the project titled ‘Utilizing Digital Technology for Social Cohesion, Positive Messaging and Peace by Boosting Collaboration, Exchange and Solidarity’ will be held on April 29-30, 2024 at the Hrant Dink Foundation.

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Podcast: Episode two of "Azınlık Hâlleri" is now available!

In this episode of 'Azınlık Hâlleri', we discussed international law and minority rights with our guest Olgun Akbulut. 

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A Look at Armenian Culture and History Through Hrant Dink's Office

You can register for this workshop, which is held in Hrant Dink's office at 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory, by filling out the form. The duration of the workshop is approximately 2 hours. The number of participants is limited to 8 people.

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The Rights-based Living Workshop

The Rights-based Living Workshop is designed to shed light on Turkey's multicultural past through testimonies. You are cordially invited to the Rights-based Living Workshop to discuss equal citizenship and coexistence together!

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