AGBU côte ouest : dîner de collecte de fonds où des chefs se réunissent pour l’Arménie


In the case

Join us for a special fundraising dinner where chefs come together to support humanitarian efforts in Armenia






November 2023
A culinary experience benefiting Artsakh
AGBU Global Relief Fund x World Central Kitchen

Join us for a special fundraising dinner where chefs come together to support humanitarian efforts in Armenia.

Welcome bite by Zhenyalov Hatz;
Vartan Abgaryan, Momed;
Armen Ayvazan, Chi Spacca;
Steve Samson, Rossoblu;
Armen Martirosyan, Mini Kebab;
Sasha Piligian.

Includes Ararat Brandy Welcome Cocktail by Tobin Shea, Redbird | Vibiana
Armenian wines curated by James Saidy will be available for purchase.
Price incl. tax and gratuity.
Proceeds will go to AGBU and World Central Kitchen.


For more info, email


View the full events calendar


Donate to AGBU


AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center

2495 E Mountain St

Pasadena, Ca   USA




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