"L'historien ouzbek, Şohret Barlas a déclaré qu'il a examiné les archives liées aux allégations
arméniennes de genocide dans plus de 30 bibliothèques à travers le monde et, personnel salarié de
Turquie, n'a trouvé aucune preuve de génocide.
Barlas a fait des recherches sur les activités de la FRA dans le Caucase, en Anatolie et dans
d'autres pays, pendant 31 ans et a écrit huit livres et de nombreux articles constatant les
affirmations fallacieuses des Armeniens qui n'ont jamais été soutenues par des scientifiques
L'historien ouzbek affirme que les Arméniens n'ont pas été tues le 24 avril 1915 (l'auteur confond
une periode avec un jour, note du redacteur) par contre ses documents étudies montrent que les organisations
terroristes Hntchak et Tachnak ont pris l'offensive pour frapper l'armée ottomane dans la dos.
En plus de cela,les Arméniens, une révélation historique, ont tué 35,000 personnes dans la vallée
de Ferghane,( à l'est de l'Ouzbekistan. a plus de 4,000km de Van ou d'Erzouroum, note du redacteur).
En 1918, la République autonome du Turkestan a été effondrée par les Bolcheviques avec l'aide
de 10,000 wagons de militants tachaks qui y avaient été emmenés."
source : aa .com.tr ,25/4/2023 (Agence Anatolie)
Il reste a dénicher les preuves des brutalités tachnaks en Asie Centrale.
Soulignons que Şohret Barlas a étudié a la Faculté d'Histoire d'Ankara qui est un des
départements de l'Universite de Langue, d'Histoire et de Geographie,(DTCF en turc) fondée par Ataturk.
La tache spécifique de l'établissement était l'ambition d'Ataturk d'y élaborer la théorie du
"langage solaire" qui prétend la langue turque être l'origine de toutes les langues"
Cette théorie est foncièrement raciste et la DTCF, fondée en 1935 a ouvert ses portes aux
scientifiques allemands fuyant le fascisme.
Rappelons que le premier Secrétaire de la Société de la langue turque au sein de l'Universite etait
un Arménien, Agop Martayan .En 1934 après l'adoption de la loi des "Nom de famille", Ataturk
lui a donne un nom a connotation turque de Dilacar qui signifie "celui qui ouvre langue".
En Turquie le peuple ignore l'origine armenienne de A.Dilacar qui a concu le nom d'Ataturk qui
signifie le premier ou le père des Turcs comme Staline l'était aux Sovietiques .
Zaven Gudsuz zaven471@hotmail.com (ancien eleve des colleges mekhitaristes d'Istanbul et de Sevres)
diplome d'economie de l'Universite de Nantes en France
Agop Martayan Dilaçar (Constantinople, – Istanbul, ) était un linguiste arménien de Turquie qui s'est spécialisé dans les langues turques , et le premier secrétaire général et spécialiste en chef de l'Association de la langue turque1,2.
Agop Dilaçar est né à Istanbul, sous le nom Agop Martayan, en 1895. Il est diplômé du Robert College en 1915. En plus de l'arménien et du turc, il connaissait l'anglais, le grec, l'espagnol, le latin, l'allemand, le russe et le bulgare. Il a travaillé comme lecteur d'anglais au Robert College, et d'ottoman et de langues orientales anciennes à l'université de Sofia, en Bulgarie.
Il a été invité le , en tant que linguiste au Premier Congrès de langue turque qui avait lieu au Palais de Dolmabahçe et qui était supervisé par Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, fondateur et premier président de la république de Turquie, ainsi que deux autres linguistes d'origine arménienne, İstepan Gurdikyan et Kevork Simkeşyan. Il a poursuivi son travail et ses recherches sur le turc en tant que spécialiste en chef et Secrétaire général de la nouvellement crée Association de la langue turque à Ankara. À la suite de la Loi sur les noms de famille en 1934, Atatürk lui a suggéré de prendre le nom de Dilaçar (signifiant littéralement ouvreur de langue), qu'il a accepte.
Il a enseigné l'histoire de la langue à l'université d'Ankara entre 1936 et 1951. Il était aussi le conseiller en chef de Türk Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopédie turque), entre 1942 et 1960. Il a occupé son poste et continué ses recherches en linguistique à l'Association de la langue turque jusqu'à son décès en 1979.
- Les Bases bio-psychologiques de la théorie Güneş Dil (1936)
- Azeri Türkçesi (Turc azéri, 1950)
- Batı Türkçesi (Turc de l'Ouest, 1953)
- Lehçelerin Yazılma Tarzı (Style d'écriture des dialectes)
- Türk Dil ve Lehçelerinin Tasnifi Meselesi (Question de la classification des langues et dialectes turcs, 1954)
- Devlet Dili Olarak Türkçe (Le Turc en tant que langue d'État, 1962)
- Wilhelm Thomsen ve Orhon Yazıtlarının Çözülüşü (Wilhelm Thomson et le Déchiffrage de l'alphabet de l'Orkhon, 1963)
- Un aperçu général de la langue turque (1964)
- Türkiye'de Dil Özleşmesi (La Purification de la langue en Turquie, 1965)
- Dil, Diller ve Dilcilik (Langue, langues et linguistique, 1968)
- Kutadgu Bilig Review (Recherche de Kutadgu Bilig, 1972)
- Anadili İlkeleri ve Türkiye Dışındaki Uygulamalar (Les Principes de la langue maternelle et ses applications en dehors de la Turquie, 1978)
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « Agop Dilaçar » (voir la liste des auteurs).
- ↑ Aidan Russell, Truth, Silence and Violence in Emerging States : Histories of the Unspoken, Milton, Routledge, (ISBN 9781351141109, lire en ligne [archive]) :
« L’alphabet turc moderne basé sur le latin a été composé par Hakob Martayan (Agop Dilâçar) »
- ↑ Adam J. Goldwyn et Renée M. Silverman, Mediterranean modernism : intercultural exchange and aesthetic development, New York, Springer
, (ISBN 9781137586568, lire en ligne [archive]), p. 224 :
« Avec l’instauration de la République turque en 1923 et les réformes linguistiques initiées par Mustafa Kemal en 1928, la langue subit une transformation radicale : elle ne sera plus écrite en alphabet arabe mais en latin, et elle sera purifiée de son vocabulaire arabe et persan. En même temps, il ne serait plus appelé turc ottoman mais simplement turc. Un comité linguistique a été créé pour adapter l’écriture latine aux exigences phonétiques du turc, résultant en un nouvel alphabet de 29 lettres. Le scénario a été fondé par un Arménien, Hagop Martayan (1895-1979). »
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source : wikipedia
Agop Dilâçar (Armenian: Յակոբ Մարթայեան Hagop Martayan, Istanbul, 22 May 1895 – Istanbul, 12 September 1979) was a Turkish-Armenian linguist who specialized in Turkic languages and the first Secretary General and head specialist of the Turkish Language Association. He created the Latin-based modern Turkish alphabet [1][2] [3] and was proficient in 12 languages,[4] and in addition to Armenian and Turkish, Dilâçar knew English, French, Greek, Spanish, Azerbaijani, Latin, German, Russian and Bulgarian.
Armenian Agop Dilâçar was born Hagop Martayan in Constantinople in 1895. His father was Vahan Martayan and his mother Eugenie Martayan (née Sarafian). He studied English in the local American School editing the school's publication "School News" (1907). In 1910, Dilâçar studied at the Robert College where he also learned German, Latin and Classical Greek, graduating from Robert College in 1915. After completing his studies, he served as an officer in the Ottoman Army's Second Division in Diyarbakır. Dilâçar was awarded for his bravery and continued serving in the Ottoman Army reserves. Because of his knowledge of English, he worked as a Turkish Army interpreter for the British prisoners of war held after the Siege of Kut south of Baghdad. Dilâçar was arrested and escorted to Damascus for alleged secret extrajudicial contacts with the British prisoners. In Damascus, he was introduced for the first time to Mustafa Kemal Pasha (later known as Atatürk). Mustafa Kemal Pasha was then the Commander of the Ottoman Army's Seventh Division. Mustafa Kemal was impressed by Dilâçar's intelligence and secured a pardon for him and took him into his headquarters.
In 1918, Dilâçar moved to Lebanon, where he became the headmaster of Beirut's Sourp Nshan Armenian National School. In Lebanon, he established Louys, an Armenian periodical (in Armenian Լոյս, meaning The Light). In 1919, he returned to Istanbul where he worked as a lecturer of English at the Robert College. In 1922, he married Méliné Martayan and the couple moved to Bulgaria where he taught Ottoman Turkish and ancient East languages at Sofia University in Sofia, Bulgaria. In Sofia he also published the Armenian weekly Mshagouyt (in Armenian Մշակոյթ, meaning Culture) and the monthly Armenian periodical Rahvira (in Armenian Ռահվիրայ).
Dilâçar published a study of Turkish language in Istanbul's Arevelk (in Armenian Արեւելք, meaning The East). A translated copy of the article gained the attention of Mustafa Kemal Pasha who invited him to return to Turkey where he lectured in Faculty of Languages, History and Geography.
On 22 September 1932, Dilâçar was invited as a linguist to the First Turkish Language Congress held in Dolmabahçe Palace supervised by Atatürk, the founder and first president of the Republic of Turkey, together with two other linguists of Armenian ethnicity, İstepan Gurdikyan and Kevork Simkeşyan. He continued his work and research on the Turkish language as the head specialist and Secretary General of the newly founded Turkish Language Association in Ankara. Following the issue of the Law on Family Names in 1934, Mustafa Kemal Pasha suggested him the surname Dilaçar (literally meaning language opener), which he gladly accepted. Nevertheless, he continued to use the surname Martayan to sign his articles in the Armenian language. In return, Agop Martayan openly proposed the name Atatürk to Mustafa Kemal Pasha in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.[5]
Dilâçar taught history and language at Ankara University between 1936 and 1951. He also was the head adviser of the Türk Ansiklopedisi (Turkish Encyclopedia), between 1942 and 1960. He held his position and continued his research in linguistics at the Turkish Language Association until his death on 12 September 1979, in Istanbul.
Armenian publications
In addition to his work in Turkish language, Dilâçar also published in Istanbul's Armenian media, in particular with the Armenian daily Marmara (in Armenian Մարմարա).
In 1922, Dilâçar published his literary work Aratchin Portsutyun (in Armenian «Առաջին Փորձութիւն» meaning First Try). Also in 1922, he translated Armenian playwright Levon Shant's play Hin Asdvadzner (in Armenian «Հին աստվածներ» meaning Old Gods) to English. In 1929 he published his Armenological study "Kri Dzakoume yev Daradzoume" (in Armenian «Գրի ծագումը և տարածումը» meaning the origin and spread of language) and in 1929 "Hapetapanoutyun" (in Armenian «Հաբեթաբանութիւն») in addition to an Armenian translation of a collection of English poetry under the title Albyoni Bardezen (in Armenian «Ալբիոնի պարտէզէն» meaning from the garden of Albion) also in 1929.
In 1951, Dilâçar published his book Hazar Hink Harur Amyagi Khoher («1500ամեակի խոհեր» – meaning Thoughts on the 1500th Anniversary). In 1956 he published his book Asdvadzashountche yev Ashkharhapare (in Armenian «Աստուածաշունչը եւ Աշխարհաբարը» meaning The Holy Bible and Modern Armenian language).
Dilâçar had numerous written works in linguistics, literature, studies and translations in Armenian. For example his literary work Salin Vra (Kragan Portser) (in Armenian Սալին Վրայ (գրական փորձեր), a collection of poems Khonchadz Yerazner (in Armenian «Խոնջած Երազներ»), a theatrical piece Tsaykatiter (in Armenian «Ցայգաթիթեռ») and studies like "Levon Shant, Ir Pilisopayoutyune yev Kegharvesde" (in Armenian Լեւոն Շանթ՝ Իր Փիլիսոփայութիւնը եւ Գեղարուեստը, meaning Levon Shant, his philosophy and artistry) and "Hay Tyutsaznavebe, Pakhtadadagan Himi Vera" (in Armenian Հայ Դիւցազնավէպը Բաղդատատական Հիմի Վրայ meaning The Armenian heroic epic novel on a comparative basis).
Armenian descent
After his death in 1979, in a news coverage, the then only Turkish TV channel TRT concealed the first name "Agop", which would suggest an Armenian descent, and instead mentioned "A. Dilaçar", using only the initial of his forename together with his surname.[6][7][8][9] However, in a TV program in TRT, which Dilaçar joined, his first name was pronounced and spelled as well, crediting him "Agop Dilaçar".[10]
It is an issue of controversy whether Dilâçar was the person who officially proposed the surname Atatürk to the founder of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Pasha,[5] or Saffet Arıkan's "Ulu Önderimiz Ata Türk Mustafa Kemal" (Our Great Leader Ata Türk Mustafa Kemal) sentence in the opening speech of the 2nd Language Day on 26 September 1934 became an inspiration for surname Atatürk.[11]
- in Turkish
- Azeri Türkçesi (Azerbaijani Turkish), 1950
- Batı Türkçesi (Western Turkish), 1953
- Lehçelerin Yazılma Tarzı (Writing Style of Dialects)
- Türk Dil ve Lehçelerinin Tasnifi Meselesi (Classification Issue of the Turkish Languages and Dialects), 1954
- Devlet Dili Olarak Türkçe (Turkish as a State Language), 1962
- Wilhelm Thomsen ve Orhon Yazıtlarının Çözülüşü (Wilhelm Thomson and Encoding of the Orkhon Inscriptions), 1963
- Türk Diline Genel Bir Bakış (A General Look at the Turkish Language), 1964
- Türkiye'de Dil Özleşmesi (Language Purification in Turkey), 1965
- Dil, Diller ve Dilcilik (Language, Languages and Linguistics), 1968
- Kutadgu Bilig İncelemesi (Research of the Kutadgu Bilig), 1972
- Anadili İlkeleri ve Türkiye Dışındaki Uygulamalar (Native Language Principles and Applications Outside Turkey), 1978
- in French
- Les bases bio-psychologiques de la Theorie Güneş Dil (1936)
- in Armenian
- 1500ամեակի խոհեր (Hazar Hink Harur Amyagi Khoher, Thoughts on the 1500th Anniversary), 1951
- Աստուածաշունչը եւ աշխարհաբարը (Asdvadzashountche yev Ashkharhapare, The Bible and the Armenian Modern Language), 1956
- Յօդուածներ (Hotvadzner, Articles), 2000
- Համայնապատկեր հայ մշակոյթի (Hamaynabadger Hay Meshagouyti Panorama of the Armenian Culture), vol. I, 2004
- Համայնապատկեր հայ մշակոյթի (Hamaynabadger Hay Meshagouyti Panorama of the Armenian Culture), vol. II, 2005
See also
- Turkish language
- Turkish Language Association
- Atatürk's Reforms
- Sun Language Theory
- Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey
- ^ Aidan Russell (2019). Truth, Silence and Violence in Emerging States : Histories of the Unspoken. Milton: Routledge. ISBN 9781351141109.
The modern Turkish alphabet based on Latin was composed by Hakob Martayan (Agop Dilâçar)
- ^ Adam J. Goldwyn; Renée M. Silverman (2016). Mediterranean modernism : intercultural exchange and aesthetic development. New York: Springer. p. 224. ISBN 9781137586568.
With the establishment of the Turkish republic in 1923 and the language reforms initiated by Mustafa Kemal in 1928, the language went through a radical transformation: it would no longer be written in the Arabic alphabet but in the Latin, and it would be purified of its Arabic and Persian vocabulary. Concurrently, it would no longer be called Ottoman Turkish but simply Turkish. A language committee was established to adapt the Latin script to the phonetic demands of Turkish, resulting in a new alphabet of 29 letters. The script was founded by an Armenian, Hagop Martayan (1895-1979).
- ^ http://thissideoffifty.blogspot.com/2015/04/cidem-inc-hagop-martayan.html
- ^ (in Armenian) "Հակոբ Դիլաչարը Աթաթուրքի մոտ երգեց Զորավար Անդրանիկի երգը." ("Hagop Dilachar Sang Commander Andranik's Song in Atatürk's Presence"). Bnaban. July 7, 2012. Retrieved July 14, 2012.
- ^ Jump up to:a b İrfan Özfatura: "Dilimizi dilim dilim… Agop Dilâçar" (Turkish), Türkiye Gazetesi, April 3, 2011. Retrieved February 15, 2012
- ^ Cem Özdemir: "Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und die deutsche Öffentlichkeit", Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, panel discussion, Berlin, September 22, 2011
- ^ Dr. Sarkis Adam: "Dilbilimci AGOP MARTAYAN-DİLAÇAR ın Ölümünün 30. Yıldönümü" Archived 2014-02-22 at the Wayback Machine (Turkish), HyeTert, September 20, 2009. Retrieved February 15, 2012
- ^ "Agop Dilacar" Archived 2014-02-22 at the Wayback Machine (Turkish), Nouvelles d'Arménie en Ligne, August 28, 2008. Retrieved February 15, 2012
- ^ Yalçın Yusufoğlu: "Agop Martanyan Dilaçar" Archived February 22, 2014, at the Wayback Machine (Turkish), September 13, 2009. Retrieved February 15, 2012
- ^ "Agop Dilaçar Atatürk'ü Anlatıyor" (in Turkish)
- ^ "Gazi, önerilen 14. soyadını kabul etmiş!". Habertürk. Retrieved June 14, 2017.
- ^ "Agop Dilâçar İle İlgili İddialar". Malumatfuruş (in Turkish). 2022-01-22. Retrieved 2022-04-19.
- ^ "Bütün Dünya".
External links
- Dilaçar's biography (in Turkish)
International | |
National | |
Other |
- 1895 births
- 1979 deaths
- Writers from Istanbul
- Robert College alumni
- Linguists from Turkey
- Academic staff of Ankara University
- Turkish people of Armenian descent
- Linguists of Turkic languages
- Schoolteachers from Istanbul
- Burials at Şişli Armenian Cemetery
- 20th-century linguists
source : wikipedia
photo : D.R.