La princesse Diana serait armenienne (par son arriere grand-mere)



"Quoi de commun entre la Princesse Diana 'Garry Kasparov (Former world chess champion), Kim Kardashian (Socialite, model, sex-symbol) Andre Agassi (former world no.1 tennis player), Ivan Aivazovsky (world famous painter), Charles Aznavour (Singer, Actor), Arthur Abraham (current IBF middle weight-world boxing champion), Hasmik Papian (world famous opera singer) La question semble difficile. Mais la réponse est simple. La chose commune parmi les célébrités ci-dessus est leurs racines. Ils sont tous arméniens. Il est surprenant que la connexion arménienne soit si forte et fasse des merveilles. L'Arménie est peut-être le seul pays dont la diaspora est plus que les natifs résidents du pays. L'Arménie a une population résidente de 3 millions d'habitants avec une population mondiale de la diaspora d'environ 7 millions », indique l'article.

Les racines arméniennes de la princesse Diana ont été évoquées plus tôt. Différentes sources indiquent que l'arrière-grand-mère de la lignée maternelle de Diana au deuxième tour était une Arménienne d'Inde, nommée Eliza Kyuark (Kevorkian)."


sources : Sunday Times

Nouvelles de l'Arménie –
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Garry Kasparov (Former world chess champion), Kim Kardashian (Socialite, model, sex-symbol) Andre Agassi (former world no.1 tennis player), Ivan Aivazovsky (world famous painter), Charles Aznavour (Singer, Actor), Arthur Abraham (current IBF middle weight-world boxing champion), Hasmik Papian (world famous opera singer). The question seems to be difficult. But the answer is simple. The common thing among the above celebrities is their roots. They are all Armenians. It is surprising that Armenian connection is so strong and work wonders. Perhaps Armenia is the only country whose Diaspora is more than the resident natives of the country. Armenia has a resident population of 3 million with a world-wide Diaspora population of around 7 million,” says the article.

Armenian roots of Princess Diana have been brought up earlier. Different sources indicate that the great-grandmother of Diana’s maternal line in the second lap was Armenian from India, named Eliza Kyuark (Kevorkian).

After a short outline the article mentions that a great number of students from Asian countries come to Armenia to continue their education. The reason for this attraction is low education fee in Armenia. At present there are more than 1,300 foreign students studying in Armenia.

Armenia News –


 This text available in   Հայերեն and Русский


photo : By John Mathew Smith & from Laurel Maryland, USA (Archived link) – BEST ALL-TIME DIANA! (Archived link), CC BY-SA 2.0,


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