1 Nouvel Hay Magazine

Smyrne / Izmir : voir l’histoire de ces Arméniens devenus grecs en fuyant le génocide

ODA | Silva Avedisian Collection – Athens

Our new family collection is mostly composed of items received from Smyrna/Izmir.

They belong to the family collection of Silva Avedisian. Two women stand out in Silva‘s story- her great grandmother Yeghis and her grandmother Vosgi. Both were born in Izmir. The two migrated to Greece in the early 1920s. They started a new life there amidst difficult conditions.

Silva meticulously preserves these items of memory. They are vestiges of a rich former life.

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This page was prepared in cooperation with the Athens Armenika periodical and the Hamazkayin Union.

Best wishes,
Houshamadyan Editorial Board