Un Canadien de 17 ans premier boursier « Charles Aznavour » du « United World College » Dilijan en Arménie


In the memory of the earthquake in Spitak, Armenia, that happened on December 7, 1988 and the unforgettable help of Charles Aznavour, French-Armenian legendary singer, who established the “Aznavour pour l’Arménie” charity fund and provided assistance to victims of the earthquake.

A 17-year-old Armenian from Canada became the first Charles Aznavour scholar at United World College Dilijan in Armenia. Charles Aznavour scholarship was launched in October 2018 by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative in the memory of the artist and humanitarian Charles Aznavour. In the 2019-2020 academic year, UWC Dilijan has welcomed the first student awarded with the scholarship.

Just over a year ago Aurora Humanitarian Initiative announced the establishment of the Charles Aznavour Scholarship. Aznavour lent his name and his energy to Aurora from the beginning – he was an important part of the first two Aurora Prize ceremonies in 2016 and 2017. It was decided that the new scholarship launched in his memory would be awarded annually to students from France and Francophone countries who will have the opportunity to study at UWC Dilijan – international boarding school in Armenia, part of the UWC movement. This scholarship was envisaged to bring together Aznavour’s two worlds – France and Armenia – as a small way to memorialize those links and to continue to thank Charles Aznavour through the generations.

UWC Dilijan together with the Aznavour Foundation established specific criteria for the scholarship. The successful candidate was expected to demonstrate artistic skills – abilities to compose or perform music, write, act in…

source : Massis media

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