Portrait de photographe : Mark Pekmezian a photographié Sandrine Kimberlain pour M , le magazine du Monde


Cette semaine pour M , le magazine du Monde , le photographe Mark Pekmezian a

2015-06-19 044
2015-06-19 044
shooté l'actrice française Sandrine Kimberlain.

Voir : www.markpeckmezian.com/ : Mark’s elegant and ageless images within a snapshot aesthetic predominantly focus on portraiture.  He has a bold confidence in his own style developed from experimenting in his darkroom, and is driven by a compulsion to make valid and authentic work.  His personal work treats analogue images as photo-objects, playing with the refinements in context and meaning implied by printing choices – adding borders, ripping edges, showing test strips and creases, folds and dust.  Mark is influenced by vernacular photography and spontaneous portraiture, drawn to the beauty in the pensive moment, elusive emotional states and occasional humour.  His art practice gives a depth and substance to the rigours of effective commercial, editorial image-making and he enjoys the dialogue between the two….

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