Le gouvernement arménien cesse d’utiliser des portables Apple au profit d’ordinateurs locaux

"YEREVAN–In a cabinet meeting on July 6, PM Nikol Pashinyan announced that members of the Armenian government have switched from using Apple laptops to Armenia-manufactured ones Pashinyan recalled that the development of information technology is one of the priorities of the government. The Prime Minister expressed hope that other government agencies and the National Assembly will follow suit. Days later, the government made another announcement, that it would be using eco-pens made from recycled paper.   “It is very important for our country to develop domestic production. We should all…

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L’armée azerbaïdjanaise a détruit les croix de pierre au Nakhitchevan et le gouvernement continue les destructions

Jusqu'à la fin du 20ème siècle , il y avait 218 monastères, églises,chapelles arméniens au Nakhitchevan et plus de 4500 croix de pierre et seulement 6 mosquées. "Today, Azerbaijan continues its deliberate policy to destruct the Armenian monuments in the territories under its control. Moreover, during peacetime the Azerbaijani authorities completely or partially destroyed all the Armenian cultural and historical monuments of Nakhijevan, where until the end of the 20th century there were 218 Armenian Christian monasteries, churches and chapels, and more than 4,500 khachkars (cross-stones) and, at the same…

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11 jours en Arménie avec la fondation Paros

11 jours en Arménie : Have you registered for a Journey to Armenia? The registration form is now available! We invite you to experience all Armenia has to offer through an exciting 11 day itinerary, which will include  several visits to UNESCO world heritage sites, amazing cultural outings and several visits to Paros project sites.Opportunities to interact with Armenia's children through service work will certainly leave you with a memorable and lasting impression. Delicious food, premium accommodations and transportation and English-speaking staff and guides ensure all will have a meaningful experience. In-country fees including airport pick up, lodging, in-country…

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Voyagez en virtuel (avec Smithsonian & USAID) , puis en personne

L’UGAB lance une série d’e-books et d’applications pour découvrir l’Arménie comme vous ne l’avez jamais vue.  Le 26 juin 2018 – L'Union Générale Arménienne de Bienfaisance (UGAB) a développé une série d'e-books (livres virtuels) et applications éducatives et touristiques pour toutes les familles avides de découvrir l’Arménie. La dernière nouveauté est un e-book intitulé Vayots Dzor, préparé en collaboration avec My Armenia, un programme mis en place par l’Institut Smithsonian et financé par l'USAID.  La province arménienne de Vayots Dzor abrite de nombreux monuments et sites touristiques, comme le site archéologique Areni-1,…

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