
Armenian philately has many fans


Fleur de Myosotis"Philately is a subject that affects all areas ranging from culture to art, from politics to science, including sport, literature, geography and history. For Armenia, the stamps issued by the Armenian post are an opportunity to make our culture, our art and our civilization known abroad" says Armen Khachatrian, an Armenian philately enthusiast met in Yerevan.

"Since 1992, the philatelic issues of Armenia shine by their beauty and the interest of the themes presented. These stamps are highly sought after today by collectors all over the world" resumes Armen and adds "if the Armenian issues reproduced a good number of Armenian churches, personalities and works of Armenian cultural heritage, Armenia also issued themes related to animals, minerals or Europe, which are currently in great demand, not to mention the specificities of some stamps such as the block of 1992 or the imperforate World Cup 98 or the Chess 1996 which are today considered rare stamps".

Armen's philatelic passion is not new. “Already in the Soviet years, he resumes, I collected all the issues of the Soviet posts which related to Armenia and the Armenians. Starting with the stamps on “Sayat-Nova”, “Gomidas”, “Toumanian”. Then the series of two superb stamps of 1968 on the occasion of the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. Then the "Avedik Isaakian", "Mardiros Sarian" or "Aïvazovski". Until the series of Armenian churches in 1988 then that of "Vartavar " in 1991 which was the last stamp on the Armenians. In total, nearly fifty stamps were issued on the Armenians, in the Soviet period. Stamps which do not have a very high rating, since published for the most part in millions of copies".

And Armen to continue "the Independence of 1991 was felt by the philatelists of Armenia and the Diaspora as a great gift. An extraordinary chance for thousands of Armenian collectors because Armenia was sovereign in its postal issues. And on the 28th May 1992 when the first stamps of the Armenian Republic were issued, a series of three stamps depicting Ararat, in Yerevan, despite the economic crisis, thousands stormed the post offices. did not want to miss such a chance to have the first Armenian stamp since Independence. Today, we know that this series published in a million copies does not have a great market value, but for us, it does not priceless!".

In its large catalog where hundreds of stamps of Armenia as well as "special" postal issues are carefully stored, Armenia knows each of the issues on the tip of its fingers. "You know, despite these hundreds of stamps issued by the Armenian Post, we are eagerly awaiting the next issue. And each release of new stamps is an opportunity for us to comment, discuss and exchange opinions. This is really an activity that fascinates me" launched Armen.

In Armenia, the number of philatelists passionate about Armenian Post issues continues to grow. The philately market, fueled by both domestic demand and the Armenian diaspora, continues to grow. With the opening in Yerevan of shops specializing in philately. "The stamp is one of the best economic activities of Armenia and brings in the country a lot of foreign currency" concludes Armen and adds "moreover, this commercial activity which attracts many tourists to Armenia also spreads our culture and the image of Armenia around the world".

Krikor Amirzayan

Article taken from the NetArmenie site of 04/14/2002

List of philatelic issues since independence:

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 2006 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 2006 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 2005 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 2005 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 2004 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 2004 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 2003 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 2003 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 2002 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 2002 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 2001 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 2001 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 2000 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 2000 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1999 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1999 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1998 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1998 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1997 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1997 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1996 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1996 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1995 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1995 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1994 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1994 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1993 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1993 des postes d'Arménie

Flèche Bleue Nouvel Hay 1992 Philatelic Issues of Posts of Armenia Emissions philatéliques 1992 des postes d'Arménie

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