Catherine Colonna en Arménie

Prime Minister Pashinyan received French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan received Catherine Colonna, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of France.

Catherine Colonna et Nikol Pashinyan

Welcoming the visit of the delegation led by the minister to Armenia, the Prime Minister noted. « First of all, I want to thank you personally, France and President Macron, for clearly standing by Armenia in these difficult times, and also for expressing a clear position regarding ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Catherine Colonna en Arménie

On the other hand, I must emphasize that the authorities of Azerbaijan are carrying out illegal arrests in Nagorno-Karabakh, which I also think should be in the center of international attention ». Nikol Pashinyan added that at the moment, the RA government is able to keep the flow of our compatriots forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh under certain control, the most vital needs of people are met with the support of the state and also a number of international partners.

« But, of course, the government of Armenia needs direct financial support from international partners so that we can also solve medium and long-term humanitarian problems. In this environment of ours, I consider it very important to address issues of the bilateral agenda between our countries. Of course, these are issues of political dialogue, issues of cooperation on international platforms, issues of economic cooperation », said the Prime Minister.

French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Catherine Colonna thanked for the warm welcome and conveyed the greetings of President Emmanuel Macron to the Prime Minister. « I am happy that I am returning to Yerevan again after a few months from my previous visit, although I would very much like my visit to take place under less tragic circumstances, tragic for the people of Nagorno Karabakh, as well as for Armenia. And just like in April, so now I see familiar and friendly faces at the table and that is certainly very pleasant in this complicated world that we live in now.

Olivier Decottignies et Nikol Pashinyan

My visit is just another manifestation of the friendship that France has towards Armenia and, beyond friendship, it is also a manifestation of solidarity. Our solidarity has been shown throughout the year. As the humanitarian crisis and the humanitarian situation in general have worsened, aid has increased and I am proud to say that France is always where it needs to be. », emphasized Katrin Colonna.

The French Foreign Minister also added that France has planned a humanitarian aid of 12.5 million euros for Armenia. Katrin Colonna assured that this help will continue if needed.

At the meeting, the interlocutors touched on issues related to Armenian-French cooperation, processes taking place in the region, and exchanged ideas on other topics of mutual interest.

Sources :

Copyright RA Government Staff Press

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