Charity Golf Tournament

Charity Golf Tournament on august 14th 2023



Event details

Join us this summer in the South of France and compete in the Charity Golf Tournament with fellow donors and AGBU Board Members! This exclusive event offers the opportunity to network and enjoy sports, games & spa activities, as well as a fundraising dinner for the AGBU Children’s Centers in Armenia

Organized by: AGBU District of Europe


AGBU Children's Centers

The funds raised will go to the AGBU Children’s Centers in Armenia. This is a long standing initiative with the Holy See of Etchmiadzin focused on transforming the lives and future of the youth in Armenia. With a focus on the arts and sports, these Centers provide activities such as music, dance, visual arts, gymnastics, martial arts, swimming and many more activities. Classes in several language, history, religion and computer technologies are also offered.



Phone: +44 7500 895287



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