Festivals and events 2022 in Armenia

Festivals and events 2022 in Armenia


Armenia Travel

Festivals in Armenia truly portray the rich Culture and Heritage of the country. Anything from food and drink, performing arts, visual arts, customs, traditions and more are celebrated during these one or several day long events.

What’s so great about Armenia, is that the old traditions which are passed from one generation to the next meet the new and modern lifestyle in such a smooth and elegant way during these fun festivals… something that keeps on fascinating tourists. Wherever your interests lie, these festivals have got you covered!

From celebrations dedicated to tolma, gata, barbeque or other famous Armenian mouthwatering specialties, to an eco-tourism festival, extreme sports and more… And of course during these events you’ll be experiencing the famous Armenian hospitality firsthand, which is always a huge plus! These festivals prove that besides spectacular nature, unique architecture, religious sites, and amazingly pleasant weather, Armenia can also be a super enjoyable destination and plenty of fun !

Festivals and events 2022 in Armenia

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