M.A.M. mouvement éducatif est le gardien de la langue arménienne


The word “HOME” can be considered the cultural code of Armenians.
“HOME” connects us with our past and collective memory. And who is the
binding person? Mother.
And what do we call our native language? We call it Mother language. The
idea of the educational movement "M.A.M." was born from the realization
that the Armenian language plays a vital role in preserving our national
identity and culture.
“M.A.M " teaches: through carefully designed educational programs, we
want to teach the next generation of Armenians all over the world to

speak, write, read, and also to know and love the Armenian heritage, cul-
ture, and traditions.

We believe that the Armenian language is the key that can unlock the full

potential of the Armenian gene, revealing new layers of national con-
sciousness and belonging. Knowing the Armenian language means

knowing who you are and where you come from.

The emphasis is on teaching the Armenian language through express letter learning,
reading, listening to Armenian songs and fairy tales, vocabulary development through
entertaining and cognitive games, group works, analytical discussions of history and
literature, and trips. And most importantly communication with peers and famous
Live stream training is available anywhere in the world:
We are teaching the Armenian language, literature, culture, and history.

Following the new educational trends, we cultivated a specific method-
ology taking into account the age and language characteristics of the

The course is cultivated by experts, illustrators, and psychologists using a
specific methodology.
IT security

A secure and reliable data storage and communication platform de-
signed for both children and parents, where parents can monitor the ed-
ucational process of their child and be in constant communication with

The lessons are cultivated and held by the best specialists, teachers, and

psychologists of the educational field with extensive experience in Arme-
nian and foreign educational institutions.

A warm environment where your child will find Armenian-speaking
friends and teachers and will be closer to the Motherland.
Each course with its complexity and number of lessons has the same
goal, to convey knowledge about Armenia.


Our courses



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