Jerusalem / Yerouchalaïm

image_pdfimage_print  15 September 2021



"We who hold the historic Armenian presence in Jerusalem dear to our hearts are concerned in the real estate agreements the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem has recently signed, leasing the historic field (Cows’ Garden/”Goveroun Bardez”) southwest of the Armenian Quarter for 99 years in the Old City of Jerusalem, as reported in the Armenian and Arab media. We ask Patriarch Nourhan Manougian to make public the lease and withdraw his signature from the transaction as soon as possible." Read More

Special Petition

The Gap Between What Patriarch Nourhan Says and Does Editorial

(Includes short video of Patriarch Nourhan)

Save the Lands  Petition


(Text in English, Armenian, Arabic and French)


Scandal at the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Editorial

The Follies of Jerusalem’s Patriarch  By Hagop Hagopian
The Risk of Leasing out Armenian patriarchate of Jerusalem LanBy Prof. Z. S. Andrew Demirdjian

The Afghan Crisis, Turkey, and Washington’s Global War on Terrorism  By David Boyajian

Censorious Newspaper Shames Town By David Kherdian

Portland State Prof Resigns Over ‘Ideological Intolerance’ at University  By Philip Caldwell

New Program to Replenish Existing Rural Libraries in Armenia


ԵՐՈՒՍԱՂԷՄ. ՆՈՐ ՄՏԱՀՈԳՈՒԹԻՒՆ ՄԸՆ ԱԼ  Յակոբ Վարդերեսեան եւ Յովսէփ Մարգարեան

Հայերեն խոսող կարպետներ՝ Մոնրեալում  Մարիամ Մուղդուսյան

Ի՞նչ է կատարվում նորընտիր ԱԺ-ում  Սամվել Հովասափյան

Ինքնակրթությունը որպես հաջողության մոդել Լիլիա Ապրեսյան, Ամալիկ Բաղդասարյան

ԻՆՉՈ՞ւ…   Սամվել Խալաթյան



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