Armenia’s soul






What do you remember about your last trip to Armenia? Do you picture medieval monasteries perched atop towering cliffs? Or maybe you see tables overflowing with colorful, delicious dishes that make your taste buds tingle. Now, what do you envision when you think about what Armenia could be for future travelers? 

We know there are many travel experiences to be had in this beautiful little country of ours, but we also know there could be more that emotionally connect travelers to Armenia’s soul. Two heads are better than one, which is why we need YOUR ideas for exciting new travel experiences that will put Armenia on the map. Let your imagination run wild! No idea is too big or small. It takes just 1 minute to submit an idea and help us make Armenia the #1 destination in the South Caucasus.

Why do we believe Armenia will be the #1 destination
in the South Caucasus? It’s all in the numbers!

According to a USAID survey, 98% of people who visit Armenia want to visit again, and 96% say they’d recommend the country to others.

Armenia is projected to receive 3 million visitors by 2030 thanks to an impressive 11.78% annual growth rate, despite minimal tourism marketing.

A recent Airbnb study found that over 80% of Millenials, who travel and spend more than any previous generation, are looking specifically for unique experiences abroad. 

As we travel across Armenia to create new and exciting travel experiences, we’re sharing our findings on Instagram. Follow us there if you're not already to join the adventure and stay hye.

Sources: World Tourism Organization, World Travel & Tourism Council, World Bank Group, Airbnb.



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ONEArmenia | Impact Hub Yerevan | 80 Tigran Mets Ave, Yerevan, Armenia



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