Jeux olympiques de l’AYF


2021 AYF Olympics

Here you can dedicate a page in memory of a loved one, highlight your favorite AYF memory, spotlight your business for the entire region, write a note of encouragement to the athletes, and so much more, all while showing your support for the Armenian Youth Federation. This adbook will be shared with THOUSANDS! Every dollar you donate is tax deductible as the AYF-YOARF Eastern USA, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

What can you do to help the AYF have another successful? Buy an ad! Buy two ads!

The AYF is hosting its annual Olympic Games in Providence, RI this year and will be releasing an advertisement booklet that will serve as the critical financial backbone for the organization. From the mission, programs, and huge slate of activities of the AYF for the coming year, the adbook is a crucial component in ensuring this programming is well funded and financially viable.

Furthermore, this year, the CE will also be providing each AYF chapter a little appreciation for all the work they have done: each chapter will be entitled to 10% of all the funds associated with advertisement purchases from members of their community! Please ensure that when you fill out the form, you select your chapter to ensure the most accurate count.

Providing your ad only takes a few minutes, and the AYF Central Executive and Central Webteam Council are happy to provide any help and support you may need. On our ad page, simply choose an ad size, provide the desired text verbiage and/or camera-ready art, complete the order form and payment process, and then sit back and relax! Thousands of ad-books will be sent throughout the region and country to our entire community. Don’t forget to select the chapter/community you are from!


Again, your ad(s) and support are necessary to the continued success of our educational seminars, scholarships, summer programs, dances, athletic and social events, and much more from the organization we all love.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

Thank you very much for your support! With your help we can ensure the AYF remains financially secure into the future.

If you would like to mail an ad, please mail a check made out to the Armenian Youth Federation with the advertisement enclosed to:
Attn: AYF
80 Bigelow Ave
Suite 301
Watertown, MA, 02472


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