upcoming discussion by Dr. Armen Hagopjanian, Dr. Vicken Sepilian and Dr. Shant Shekherdimian, Moderated by Dr. Ani Shabazian on “The Artsakh War & COVID: Lessons Learned in Healthcare”. The event will be on ZOOM and FaceBook. Please let us know if you will join us by sending back an e-mail.
Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 11:00AM, PST (EST 2:00pm, Yerevan 23:00): PLEASE SEE THE ZOOL LINK BELOW THE FLIER
ZOOM Link and login credentials:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 5388322794?pwd= MWJVSU5oTHFnWHJHclcrbDcxMXJiQT 09
Meeting ID: 538 832 2794
Password: 381750
Or you can join via Facebook Live by clicking on the link below!
https://www.facebook.com/ ARPAInstitute
Thank you for your continued support of the ARPA Institute and we hope that you will join the webcast!
Prior ARPA Lectures (Just click on the title):
1. The Environmental Security Risksof Armenia and its Impact, by Dr. Irina Ghaplanyan
2. Daniel Varoujan at the University of Ghent, 1905-1909, By Simon Payaslian
3. What Are the Technological Needs for a Strong Post War Armenia , By Yervant Zoryan & Raffi Kassarjian
4. Consequences of the War in Artsakh and its Implications , Eric Hacopian