Alain Delon , Jean Reno, Claudia Cardinale , Fanny Ardant , Juliette Binoche ,Dany Boon, Jean Dujardin : Appel pour l’Arménie , à lire dans le Figaro Mag


Washington, DC – Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06), Congressman Gus Bilirakis (FL-12), Congressman Adam Schiff (CA-28), and Congresswoman Jackie Speier (CA-14) today called on the Trump Administration to play an active role in the equitable, long-term solution to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In the letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the Co-Chairs call on the Trump Administration to develop a comprehensive strategy that manages both the resulting humanitarian crisis and holds Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable for their role in the conflict.

“We write to express our deep concern about the humanitarian crisis that has unfolded in Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) since Azerbaijan and Turkey first initiated the conflict on September 27, 2020. While a trilateral ceasefire paused the fighting on November 10, we believe the United States must play an active role to help determine an equitable, long-term solution to this conflict,” the lawmakers wrote. “We strongly urge the Department of State to rapidly implement a comprehensive strategy that simultaneously addresses the humanitarian needs of Armenians displaced by the recent fighting and holds Azerbaijan and Turkey accountable for their actions that led to the needless death of thousands of Armenians.” Read more…






Ranking Member Menendez Delivers Remarks on Implications of Conflict in the South Caucasus

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WASHINGTON – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today delivered remarks on the Senate Floor on the Turkish-backed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The Senator addressed the implications for regional stability following a Moscow-brokered agreement that grants Russia another foothold in the south Caucasus, as well as the need for President-elect Biden to reassert American leadership following the Trump administration’s failure to defend ethnic Armenians and promote American values.

“We now have a trio of authoritarians running the show in the south Caucasus. It should alarm anyone dedicated to a peaceful solution of this longstanding conflict. It should alarm anyone dedicated to democratic reform in the region. And it should alarm anyone concerned about basic human rights and respect for international law,” Senator Menendez said. “All of this happened while Donald Trump slept, yet another example of diplomatic malpractice at the highest levels of an administration that will thankfully conclude in January.” Read more…


French Senate to Vote on a Resolution on the Need to Recognize Artsakh

On November 25 the French Senate will consider a resolution proposing recognition by the French Republic of the Republic of Artsakh, Senator Bruno Retailleau informs.

“Only its independence can durably guarantee the rights and freedoms of the populations of Nagorno-Karabakh in the face of Turkish Islamist expansionism,” the Senator said in a Twitter post.

The draft resolution has been signed by the heads of the Senate’s 5 largest political factions, signaling a general consensus. Read more…


Appeal of 120 French Intellectuals in Support of Armenia and Artsakh

photo : domaine public

PARIS (Armradio) — The French Le Figaro Magazine has published the call of 120 outstanding French cultural figures and intellectuals in defense of Armenia and Artsakh Republic.

Joining the call are world-renowned actors Alain Delon, Claudia Cardinale, Jean Reno, Fanny Ardant, Danny Boone, Juliette Binoche, Pierre Richard, Oscar-winning actor Jean Dujardin, world-renowned intellectuals Jacques Attali, Claude Lelouch, Michel Hazanavicius, famous TV personality Stephen Burn, world-famous chef Alain Ducasse.

“More than a century after the genocide of Armenians by the Ottoman rulers of 1915, the same people are again victims of two authoritarian regimes which, in Baku and in Ankara, incite inter-ethnic hatred in order to endow their power with a new bloody trophy,” the open letter reads. Read more…



GYO Candlelight Vigil Honors Fallen Artsakh Heroes, Unites Community in Solidarity

GLENDALE, CA – Over 300 mourners of all ages gathered on Artsakh Avenue on Nov. 13 to honor the courageous Armenian soldiers who died while fighting heroically during the Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) war at a candlelight vigil organized by the Social Democrat Hunchakian party’s Gaidz Youth Organization (GYO).

A moment of silence was observed to pay homage to the valiant soldiers, followed by opening remarks by GYO member Alex Berberian who spoke about the Armenian nation’s resilience and the duty we have to honor our brave soldiers. “Despite withstanding yet another difficult chapter in our history, our story still continues as it has for thousands of years. The Armenian nation will persevere through this just as it did in 451 AD on the plains of Avarayr, and in 1918 at the gates of Sardarabad,” said Berberian. Read more…

source : Adrienne Sagherian

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