AYF Côte Est, Côte Ouest , ANCA

Autumn Is Here Facebook Cover

Sireli Ungerner,

We are sure you have all heard about the recent attacks against Artsakh and hope you all have been doing your part in posting, signing petitions, and spreading the word as much as possible to raise awareness of the ongoing situation.

Ungerner, our homeland is being attacked. There are now nearly 100 Armenian casualties because of Azeri aggression. Our brothers and sisters are risking their lives and sacrificing everything for our homeland. Let’s make sure their efforts are not in vain. Let’s help ensure the survival of our Nation and our people. Let’s act with their spirits and lives in mind.

Please visit anca.org/alert and anca.org/call to contact President Trump, former Vice President Biden, your U.S. Senators, and U.S. Representatives to:

1. Condemn Azerbaijan’s unprovoked attack on Artsakh and Armenia
2. Call upon Baku to cease all offensive uses of force
3. End all U.S. military/security aid to Azerbaijan
4. Warn Turkey to stop sending arms and fighters to Baku

All chapters and members are encouraged to donate to the AYF Western Region’s With Our Soldiers program. Please share the following link in all your efforts: https://givebutter.com/withoursoldiers

Here are some some updates from Artsakh:

Artsakh Defense Army holds its own in second day of heavy fighting
Turkish Weapons Being Used, Says Artsakh President; Mercenaries Fighting for Azerbaijan
Turkish F-16 shoots down Armenian Su25 jet; Armenian Pilot killed

Trusted Sources Facebook

Armenian defense ministry spokesperson https://www.facebook.com/shushanstepanyan
Artsakh President https://m.facebook.com/ArayikHarutyunian/
Armenian United infocenter https://www.facebook.com/ArmenianUnifiedInfoCenter/
Razminfo https://www.facebook.com/razm.info/
Zartonk media https://www.facebook.com/ZartonkMedia/
The Armenian report https://www.facebook.com/thearmenianreport/
Evn report https://www.facebook.com/evnreport/
Armenian weekly https://www.facebook.com/ArmenianWeekly/
Asbarez https://www.facebook.com/asbarez/
Armenian PM pashinyan https://www.facebook.com/nikol.pashinyan/
Armenian government page https://www.facebook.com/armgovernment/

Trusted Sources Twitter
Armenian defense ministry spokesperson https://twitter.com/shstepanyan?s=21
Artsakh President https://twitter.com/pres_artsakh?s=21
Armenian United infocenter https://twitter.com/armenianunified?s=21
Razminfo https://twitter.com/razminfo?s=21
Armenian ministry of defense https://twitter.com/armeniamodteam?s=21
Zartonk Media https://twitter.com/zartonkmedia?s=21
Evn report https://twitter.com/evn_report?s=21
Ministry of foreign affairs of Armenia https://twitter.com/mfaofarmenia?s=21
MFA https://twitter.com/mfankr?s=21

Trusted Sources Websites



Ընկերական Բարեւներով / Ungeragan Parevnerov,

Հ.Ե.Դ. Ա.Մ.Ն. Արեւելեան Շրջանի Կեդրոնական Վարչութիւն
AYF-YOARF Central Executive, Eastern Region USA


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©2020 Armenian Youth Federation – YOARF | 80 Bigelow Ave Watertown, MA 024


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