AGBU & All Armenian Fund


AGBU and Hayastan All Armenian Fund Launch #AID4ARTSAKH Matching Gift Program with $1M Grant from AGBU

In support of the rapidly growing need for humanitarian relief in Artsakh, the AGBU Board of Directors, in coordination with the Hayastan All Armenian Fund, jointly announced the #AID4ARTSAKH Matching Gift program, open for donations through November 15, 2020.

These matched funds will be used exclusively for humanitarian relief and emergency medical equipment in Artsakh and Armenia as a result of the full-scale war unleashed by enemy aggression on September 27, 2020.

To generate momentum behind this time-sensitive initiative, AGBU has already made available $1 million to the Hayastan All Armenian Fund with the commitment to make a matching contribution of up to $5 million, depending on total gifts received between now and the campaign deadline.

AGBU is prepared to match, dollar for dollar, up to $5 million raised during the campaign window which will apply for any individual donation up to $100,000. This raises the stakes even higher for a generous outpouring from all Armenians who wish to see their support work twice as hard to save Armenian lives on and off the battlefield.

“During this very critical stage in the defense effort, AGBU’s matching gift opportunity will maximize funding when food and supplies for civilians and life-saving medical equipment for injured soldiers are depleting fast,” stated Hayastan All Armenian Fund Executive Director Haykak Arshamyan. “The infusion of $1 million out of the gate, with the prospect of increasing that sum tenfold, should inspire every last Armenian worldwide to act without delay.”

AGBU Berge Setrakian described this initiative as a “foregone conclusion”. He noted that considering the gravity and severity of the need among those in harm’s way, whether civilians confined to bomb shelters or injured soldiers in dire medical distress, there is “no question about what we are called to do at this dark hour.”

To rush support for emergency relief in Artsakh, donors are encouraged to give online to AGBU, which will release the funds directly to the Hayastan All Armenian Fund as each $500,000 is generated. Please note that to qualify for the AGBU match, donations must be made directly to AGBU. To contribute, go to or for wire transfers. Donations may also be made to local AGBU offices.

For more information about this limited time matching program, contact

Read this appeal in the following languages:

Armenian (Eastern)
Armenian (Western)




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