You gave over $3 million dollars during our worldwide live broadcast of Rock for Artsakh on Wednesday. That amount is being doubled, which means we're sending ArmeniaFund over $6 MILLION to support the humanitarian response in Artsakh. Bravo!
From all of us ONEArmenia, ArmeniaFund, Hayastan All Armenia Fund, Creative Armenia, AGBU, all the fantastic artists and musicians who gave their voice to our cause, and from all of Artsakh and Armenia, thank you. We hope you enjoyed the show. If you missed the live broadcast, you can still watch or watch again on our YouTube and Facebook channels.
Please note that we capped our $3 million match fund for this concert event the night of the show, which means we are no longer matching donations.
We are receiving a high volume of messages at the moment – thank you for your patience while we do our best to respond to each and every one of you. For questions regarding donations, receipts or our double match fund, please reach us at
Thank you again. Our work is far from over – we will NEVER stop rocking for Artsakh.