ARCHIVES Il se passe toujours quelque chose à l’UGAB (Europe) / AGBU (USA) Raffi August 10th, 2020 0 (0) All Day AVC Learning Zone – The Vision and Artistry of Sergey Parajanov All Day AVC Learning Zone – The Vision and Artistry of Sergey Parajanov All Day AVC Learning Zone – The Vision and Artistry of Sergey Parajanov 8PM EDT AGBU Toronto and AGBU Montreal present an Online Concert Series: Solidarity in Song with Arabella Yacoubian All Day AVC Learning Zone – The Vision and Artistry of Sergey Parajanov All Day AVC Learning Zone – The Vision and Artistry of Sergey Parajanov 12AM EDT AGBU PAD Armenians in Film: 3 Short Films by Armenian Filmmakers 8PM AMT (in Armenian), 9PM AMT (in English) AVC Learning Zone Online Meet-Up & Virtual Tour with Zaven Sargsyan, Director of the Sergey Parajanov Museum 7PM EDT AGBU PAD Armenians in Film: 3 Short Films by Armenian Filmmakers Virtual Q&A with Filmmakers with Raffi Wartanian, Avo John Kambourian and Levon Minasian Vous avez trouvé ce post utile ? Cliquez sur une étoile pour l'évaluer ! Soumettre une évaluation Note moyenne 0 / 5. Nombre de votes : 0 Soyez le premier à évaluer cet article. Vous avez trouvé cet article utile ? Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux ! Suivez-nous !