L’Amérique de Trump : une expérience qui a échoué


Since the election of President Trump, the country has been transformed, unfortunately, for the worst in all aspects. Every day, it is becoming apparent that Trump is failing in conducting his basic duties, and the country is moving from one crisis to another. His lack of leadership characteristics are becoming  quite clear to everyone. The events of recent days have once again proved that Donald Trump is incapable of leading the country, especially in times of disasters and emergencies.

Almost two weeks have passed since the country witnessed the inhumane killing of yet another black man at the hands of law enforcement. The victim, George Floyd, was choked to death under the knee of a white police officer in Minneapolis. Such incidents are not uncommon and continue to occur in almost every major city in the United States, with some police officers using violence against minorities, often resulting in death. Only a small fraction of such cases receive attention from the media and the public. In the case of George Floyd, the reaction was swift, as the event took place in broad daylight and in the presence of cell phone cameras.

Immediately after the sickening scenes first appeared on TV screens and on social media, protests erupted in Minneapolis. A small group of extremist agitators taking advantage of the situation set the police station on fire. Many buildings and stores were burned and looted, causing extensive damage. Similar scenes were reported in other cities where demonstrators took to the streets.

Such events occurred under previous US presidents as well, and their first reacti…


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