Le sénateur américain Portantino & un panel de thérapeutes (dont 2 Arméniennes) répondront aux questions sur le Covid-19, samedi 11 avril à 11h


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I want to take this opportunity to let you know that this Saturday, April 11, 2020 First District PTA and I are partnering with four family therapists for a virtual Family Health Forum.  This forum will provide strategies and recommendations for families abiding by social distancing to better cope with the effects of COVID.

The way in which this will work is, first please email me a question that you would like answered during the forum to this email: Portantino.FamilyHealthForum@gmail.com

And second, call the number below on Saturday morning to join the Forum.

We will try to answer as many questions as possible.  There is only so much capacity that the phone lines can hold.  If you cannot get through to listen or need closed captioning services, the virtual forum will also be streaming on my website which you can find here.











Hosts: Senator Anthony J. Portantino

             First District PTA

Panel Participants:

First District PTA

Senator Anthony J. Portantino

Lara Mekhitarian , LMFT

Anna Marie Rossi, MA – LMFT

Nora Chiltilian – LMFT, Typical & Special Needs Children

George Holbrook, LMFT, Clinical Director -Family  Service Agency





Virtual Town Hall  / Family Health Forum

COVID-19 Impact and Challenges

Call in Number: Call: (844) 721-7241;

Access Code: 4471730




Saturday, April 11, 2020


11 a.m. ? 1:00 PM


This event is free and open to the public. Please email questions and comments for discussion to Portantino.FamilyHealthForum@gmail.com

With all of my love and labor at your service,


Hon. Anthony J. Portantino


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