Covid : 2 morts à Glendale, Californie


LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed two new deaths and 128 new cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). One individual was older than 65 with underlying health conditions from Glendale, and the other individual between 30-50, from a location that is still under investigation. Because there are positive cases across the entire County, the public should not think one location is safer than the other. Additional information regarding some of the new cases is pending further investigation. Over the last 48 hours there have been 199 new cases.

To date, Public Health has identified 536 cases across all areas of LA County, including seven deaths. Upon completion of investigations, one case reported earlier was not a LA County resident. As of today, 90 positive cases have been hospitalized.

Public Health is investigating all new cases and will notify close contacts who are household members, intimate partners and healthcare professionals to assess and monitor them for signs and symptoms of illness. All confirmed cases are being isolated and close contacts are quarantined. It is critically important that everyone adheres to all the social distancing measures and practice good public health hygiene, including washing hands as frequently as possible.

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