Image: James O. Arroll and John Elder, YMCA Volunteers in Armenia
For more information on the Armenian Genocide, please visit:
Located in Art & Design Center, on N. University Dr. (Plummer St.) Gallery Hours: Monday – Saturday 12-4pm, Thursday 12-8pm Parking: Lot E6 at Halsted and Lindley. $8.00 Daily. Obtain permit from Yellow and Grey self-serve dispensers.
THE LIFESAVERS american humanitarianism and ymca philanthropy in armenia 1918-1920
EXHI Explore how to teach about genocide. Featured are a resource guide, a reference section, sample curricula, information on video documentaries, a suggested reading list, and a genocide FAQ.
Examine the historical record. Photo collections, a detailed chronology, sample archival documents, international conventions, a survey of press coverage, and a guide to bibliographies are offered.
Survey official statements, resolutions, proclamations, and reports affirming the genocide. Excerpts from the 1919 Turkish Military Tribunal and the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres are included.
Visit the Armenian Genocide Museum of America. Dedicated to educating the public about the continuing consequences of the Armenian Genocide. Inaugurated online April 24, 2015, as a centenary project.
This exhibit explains the role of the YMCA and American relief work during the first republic of Armenia (1918-1920) and focuses on John Elder and James O. Arroll who arrived in Yerevan in January 1918 to open a YMCA center. Neither Elder nor Arroll had anticipated being stranded as the only Americans left in the country’s capital city with all communication to the outside world cut off when the front line faltered. World War I was still raging at the time and Allied forces were in retreat on the Caucasian front. The November 11, 1918 Armistice that ended World War I was many months away. By the time they left Yerevan in August 1919, Elder and Arroll had become responsible for the entire opera
Learn about ANI's goals, programs, and organizational structure. FAQ on the organization is also available.