Crowdfunding : Genolive (prononcer laïve comme “vivre” en anglais)




Par opposition au mot "génocide" (destruction du genre humain), Stepan

(Stéphane) Partamian a créé le mot "genolive" (live comme "vivre" en

anglais) donc faire vivre le genre humain.

 to enrich humanity with contributions, in fields ranging from art, music, literature, and cinema to sports, politics, science, technology, and medicine.

Partamian has also turned the genolive concept into a palpable project. Since 2009, he has been


survivors as well

as their

descendants in

order to showcase their contributions to American civilization

and humanity as a whole. And that’s only the beginning.

“For every action, there’s a negative or positive reaction,”

Partamian explains. “In our case, while we have rightfully focused on the horrific aspects of the Genocide, from the deaths of over 2 million people to the

loss of our territories and wealth, we have all but disregarded our nation’s stunning strength in regrouping, rebuilding and revitalizing itself, and going on

to make contributions to our adopted countries — by creating

and inventing things that have helped transform humanity.

The Genolive Project is my way of celebrating and

showcasing what is unquestionably positive about Armenian

life in the past 100-plus years.” 

On Friday, April 24, 2020, Partamian will open the Genolive

Center, an exhibition and performance space, in Yerevan, as

a permanent institute to celebrate Armenian contributions

to humanity. Every month, the Genolive Center will

showcase an individual Armenian and his or her contributions

to world civilization. The Genolive Center will function as a hub for Partamian’s “The Armenian World” initiative, through which he will continue to research and document Armenian life in the 21st century.  

Partamian also plans on making a major documentary film based on the genolive concept. Toward this goal, he will interview scores of individuals, including not just Genocide-survivor descendants who have made major contributions to humanity, but, as importantly, persons in various countries, including Turks, who are among those benefiting from Armenian contributions. The documentary will also showcase the achievements of those whom Partamian has interviewed since 2009.

As the making of Genolive, the documentary, will require worldwide Armenian support, Partamian is appealing for generous donations to get the project off the ground. 

Donations can be made to 

Knowledge Truck, Inc. 

P.O. Box 287, Glendale, CA 91209

or online at

Knowledge Truck, Inc., is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), tax-exempt corporation established in 2015.

To date, by utilizing the motto “With your money” (#tsertramov), Partamian has raised grassroots support for numerous projects aimed at raising awareness of and celebrating the Armenian identity and the Armenian people’s far-reaching contributions to world civilization. His initiatives include the Yes, We have series of books; the volume The Armenian in America; and the apps April 24 as well as Partam, a travel guide to every Armenian destination in the world. 



















Ո՞վ է Հայը
Who Is an Armenian

Stepan Partamian is Moving to Armenia on Ju;y 2, 2019
to establish the genolive Center opening Friday, April 24, 2020.








Help by donating to knowledge Truck Inc. a non-profit 501(C)(3) 







tax-exempt not for profit corporation established in 2015. 










Ո՞վ է Հայը


Ես տեսայ Հայ, որ կը վերաբերէր Լիբանանցիի պէս։

Ես տեսայ Հայ, որ կը վերաբերէ Պարսիկի պէս,

Թուրքի, Ռուսի, Ամերիկացիի, եւ Ֆրանսացիի պէս,

Իսկ երբեք չտեսայ իր Հայ ըլլալը։

Բայց ո՞վ է Հայը։

Ինծի կ՚ըսեն՝ հաւատքն է որ քեզ Հայ կը դարձնէ։

Ես եղայ քրիստոնէայ,

Եղայ մահմետական,

Հրեայ, պուտտայական, հինտույական, եւ անաստուած։

Բայց ուրիշներ ալ եղած են այս բաները։

Ինծի կ՚ըսեն՝ ունեցուածքդ է որ քեզ Հայ կը դարձնէ։

Ես ունիմ հարստութիւն,

Ունիմ առողջութիւն,

Ուսում, շուն մը, եւ կատու մը։

Բայց ուրիշներ ալ ունին այս բաները ։

Ինծի կ՚ըսեն՝ ինչի որ կը վերածուիս՝ այդ է որ քեզ Հայ կը դարձնէ։

Ես եղայ գիւտարար։

Եղայ շինարար,

Պաշտպան, սիրեկան,…..

source : Stepan Partamian


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