5 clicks: lobbyez le président Trump , le Congrès US.. la solution de la reconnaissance du génocide des Arméniens (par le gouvernement turc) est là-bas


"Regardez la vérité en face , sortez des mensonges "

la solution de la reconnaissance du génocide arménien par le gouvernement turc est là-bas (et aussi bien sûr en Turquie et en Israel)


Take 60 seconds to ask your elected officials to lock in U.S. policy officially condemning and consistently commemorating the Armenian Genocide.

With just a few clicks, you will be sending 5 letters:

1) Letters to President Trump and Vice-President Pence urging them to properly reference the Armenian Genocide in the annual White House statement on April 24th.

2) Letters to your two U.S. Senators and your Representative encouraging them to support passage of the new Armenian Genocide Resolutions (S.Res.150 and H.Res.296).

Sample letter text will reflect whether your Senators or Representative have already publicly announced their support for the measures.

These latest Senate and House Resolutions call for:

1) A permanent policy of U.S. remembrance and recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

2) An end to any and all U.S. complicity in Turkey's genocide denial

3) Education about the Armenian Genocide to help prevent future atrocities.





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Senate and House Armenian Genocide Resolution Lead Advocates Speak Out








Menendez and Hamparian
Cruz and Archbishop Tanielian








"Only by accurately recognizing this genocide of the past can we ever hope to move forward in a legitimate and effective manner to meet the challenge of preventing mass atrocities and genocide in the future. With this resolution, we honor the millions of victims of this genocide, remember how they died and pledge that history accurately remember their deaths." — Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Bob Menendez (D-NJ), seen here speaking with ANCA Chairman Raffi Hamparian.


"We must never be silent in response to atrocities. Over one hundred years ago, the world was silent as the Armenian people suffered a horrific genocide, and today many are still unaware of it. I am proud to join Sen. Menendez and my colleagues today in introducing this resolution. May the terrors of those events awaken in us the courage to always stand for freedom against evil." — Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), seen here speaking with His Grace Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian and ANCA Program Director Tereza Yerimyan








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source : ANCA.org



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