Aux grands criminels la patrie reconnaissante

Osman surnommé Topal (le boiteux), en raison d'une blessure au genou), ) est un chef de milice ottomane , "héros" des massacres  des Armeniens  et Grecs  , membre de "l'Organisation secrete" et   maire autoproclamé de Giresun (anciennement Cerasonte  sur les bords de la Mer Noire.)
Pour ses crimes commis il fait objet d'un mandat d'arret imperial en 1919 et vit en clandestinité et se rapproche  des nationalistes  de Mustafa Kemal et crée une milice
organisant les massacres contre  les Grecs pontiques  et les Arméniens  dans les regions
bordant la Mer Noire  et la ville de Kars ,à l'Est de l'Empire . Suite a ses exploits il est intégré dans la garde rapprochée de Mustafa Kemal.( Atatürk " le père des Turcs " ndlr) 
En 1923 Topal Osman est accusé d'avoir assassiné un député d'opposition, événement qui est une première dans la série d'assassinats politiques de la Turquie.
Pour couvrir ses intentions criminelles le gouvernement déclare que le coupable sera pendu. En s'opposant aux gendarmes venus l'arrêter il sera tué. Son corps est inhumé à Giresun puis ses restes seront transportés à Ankara.
Il est considéré comme un heros par certains et bourreau par d'autres.
Le 2 avril 2019 une ceremonie memoriale  s'est tenue a Giresun (dans le parc Haydar Aliev (dirigeant de l'Azebaidjan) a l'occasion du 96 e anniversaire de sa mort, en presence  des  dignitaires politiques et du recteur de l'Universite de Giresun.
Apres le depot de gerbes au monument funeraire l'adjoint maire  a exprimé  ,au  nom de la ville ,sa gratitude….
Roje Gudsuz

Armenian Genocide[edit]

Topal Osman was known to have been responsible for massacres against Armenians during the Ottoman civil war in the Pontus region where he was stationed during World War I.[2][3][4][5] While in Trabzon, Osman made a name for himself in the spring of 1915 as commander of a squadron of gangs.[6] Osman, along with Ishak Çavuş and Bayıroğlu Hüseyin were known to have partaken in the drowning and massacres of the local Armenian population.[7] During this time, Osman had also profiteered from the confiscation of assets and property belonging to the Armenians.[3]

Greek Genocide[edit]

After the first world war Topal Osman Pasha continued his operations in the Black Sea region, this time targeting rebellious Christian Pontic Greeks during the Turkish war of independence. He is seen as one of the key perpetrators of the Greek Genocide, particularly in the northern region of Turkey historically known as Pontus. According to Mustafa Kemal's recent biographer, Topal Osman was a "sadistic ethnic cleanser of Armenians and Greeks."[8] Osman along with his gang of cut throats, were responsible for massacres, deportations, destruction and confiscation of property, extortion, rapes and other atrocities throughout this region including the cities, towns and villages of Samsun, Marsovan, Giresun, Tirebolu, Unye, Havza and Bulancak.[9] He was however refused arms and cooperation by the government and inhabitants of Trabzon, where multicultural pro-Ottoman ideals were stronger due to inter-ethnic and religious family ties. Out of anger for this refusal, Topal Osman sacked some houses in a Christian neighborhood before being forced out of the city by armed Turkish port workers and officials. Together with his subsequent murder of Trabzon deputy Ali Şükrü Bey (leader of the first Turkish opposition party) this led to long standing animosity between the nationalist government of Mustafa Kemal and the population of Trabzon.

source : wikipedia
























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