à Tufts University , Boston, Ma USA
Goddard Chapel
une Journée du Souvenir
sponsorisée par:
la chaire Darakjian Jafarian d'histoire arménienne
le département d'histoire à Tufts University
l'université Tufts
le club arménien de Tufts University
& NAASR (National Association for Armenian Studies & Research)
Commémoration du Génocide des Arméniens perpétré par le gouvernement "Jeune Turc" avec l'aide de l'"Organisation Spéciale" (Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa en turc)
"The "special organization" might have been established by Enver , who placed Süleyman Askeri in charge of the organization on 17 November 1913.[3][4] Its establishment date is rather vague since it was really a continuation of various smaller groups established by Enver and friends in the aftermath of 1908 Young Turk Revolution[5].
Enver assumed the primary role in the direction of the Special Organization and its center of administration moved to Erzurum.[6] Many members of this organization who had played particular roles in the first world war also participated in the Turkish national movement.[7] The Special Organization assisted by government and army officials, deported all Greek men of military age to labor brigades beginning in summer 1914 and lasting through 1916.[T
The first leader was Süleyman Askeri Bey. After his death, he was replaced by Ali Bach Hamba on 14 April 1915. The "Special Organization" was used by Talaat, Enver and Jemal to complete the Armenian Genocide , beginning 24 April 1915 .Ali Bach Maba held the post until the Armistice of Mudros.[4] During World War I Eşref Sencer Kuşçubası was allegedly the director of operations in Arabia, the Sinai, and North Africa[9]. He was captured at Yemen in early 1917 by the British military and was a POW in Malta until 1920 and subsequently released in exchange for British POW.[4] Ahmet Efe says military archives have detailed information about the organization's personnel. He says Kuşçubası is not mentioned . source wikipedia.[4] sou
source : wikipedia
source : Tufts