Stage avec l’AYF : dernier délai : 1er Mars 2019

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Are you looking for a leadership opportunity this summer?



The Armenian Youth Federation Youth Organization of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation (AYF-YOARF) Eastern United States is seeking
an able, qualified, and driven Director for the 2019 AYF Internship in Armenia program that will take place June 17th – August 23rd.




Must speak Armenian fluently;
Must be a strong and quick communicator and be easily accessible via
Must have spent significant time in Armenia;
Must be comfortable leading a small group of college-age
students for two months;
Must be at least 21 years of age.



While the position is not a paid one, the travel to and from Armenia for
the Director is covered by the AYF-YOARF, along with housing during
the Internship. Applicants must know that this position requires great
responsibility such as coordinating daily activities and excursions for the
interns outside of their respective jobs. It is also required for the
Director to live with the interns over the two-month duration of the



AYF internship

The deadline to apply is FRIDAY, MARCH 1 ST at 11:59pm EST.

Take advantage of this life-changing opportunity… you won’t
want to miss out!




For more information, please visit, or contact

Hope to see you there,
2019 AYF-YOARF Central Internship Council



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