De notre envoye special en Californie :
Thursday & Friday February 01, & 02, 2018 :The graduate students of Armenian Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), recently announced the 16th Annual Student Colloquia in Armenian Studies, to be held on February 1 and 2. The two-day event is composed of the undergraduate colloquium on Thursday, February 1 from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the graduate colloquium on Friday, February 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Both events will be held at UCLA, in Royce Hall 314, Both colloquia are free and open to the public
Undergraduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies :University of California, Los Angeles : Royce Hall 314 :February 1, 2018
3:30–3:40 Opening Remarks :Luiza Harutyunyan :Major: Neuroscience, Minor: Armenian Studies, UCLA, Class of 2018
Director of the 2018 Undergraduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies
Dr. S. Peter Cowe, Narekatsi Professor of Armenian Studies, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA
Panel 1: Two Standards in Contact: Eastern and Western Armenian : Chair: Ara Mandjikian, Major: Biochemistry, UCLA
3:40–4:00 Arti Kassardjian
Major: Mechanical Engineering, UCLA : “Eastern Armenian Through the Lens of Western Armenians”
4:00–4:20 Mesrop Egiazaryan, Major: Biology; Minor: Armenian Studies, UCLA : “Eastern vs. Western Armenian: Evaluating Fear Complexes Between Different Spoken Standards”
4:20–4:30 Discussion
Panel 2: Topics in Modern and Contemporary History : Chair: Lilit Ghazaryan, Major: Linguistics and Anthropology; Minor: Russian Language, UCLA
Vana Geregian,Major: Philosophy; Minor: Armenian Studies, UCLA: “Javakhk: Historical Overview and Current Issues of Armenians”
Datevig Kaloyan,Double Major: History, Art History, UC Irvine: “Documenting Armenia: The History of Social Documentary Photography from the 19th Century to the Present”
5:10–5:20 Discussion 5:20–5:40 Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 3: Bilingualism and Heritage Language Speakers
Chair: Vana Geregian, Major: Philosophy, Minor: Armenian Studies, UCLA
Ani Alaberkyan,Double Major: Linguistics and Anthropology, Arabic, UCLA : “Language Ideologies in Arabic-Speaking Armenian Families”
Lilit Ghazaryan,Major: Linguistics and Anthropology; Minor: Russian Language, UCLA :“Metalingusitic Awareness Among Armenian-English Bilingual Children”
Anahit Pogossian,Major: Linguistics and Psychology; Minor: Armenian Studies, UCLA :“Ի՞նչ կա ծիծաղելի: The Role of Humor for Armenian Heritage Learners”
6:40–6:50 Discussion 7:00 Reception (Royce Hall 306)
Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies
University of California, Los Angeles
Royce Hall 314
February 2, 2018 : 9:30 a.m.-10:00 Breakfast
10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks :Jesse Siragan Arlen,Director of the 2018 Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies:Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA
Dr. S. Peter Cowe, Narekatsi Professor of Armenian Studies: Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA
Panel 1: Domestic and International Interactions in the Late Ottoman and post-Ottoman Periods and their Role in Memory,Chair: Daniel Ohanian (History, UCLA)
Amjad Dajani,PhD in Middle East Studies
Northwestern University (USA) :“Undermining the Ottoman-Armenian Rebellion, 1894–1896: The Case of Britain’s Islamic World Journal”
Armen Manuk-Khaloyan ,MA in History ,California State University, Northridge (USA) :‘If Only It Would Last a Little Longer’: Imperial Visions, Ottoman Armenians, and the Outbreak of the Great War”
Arman Khachatryan
PhD Candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
“The Armenian Patriarchate in a Changing Jerusalem: Between Preservation and Modernization”
David Leupold
PhD in Social Sciences
Berlin Graduate School in Social Sciences (Germany)
“Contested Memories: Turkish, Armenian, and Kurdish Narratives around Lake Van”
11:30-11:50 Discussion
11:50-12:10 Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 2: The Interweaving of Art and Politics in the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia
Chair: Sona Tajiryan (History, UCLA)
Samvel Grigoryan
PhD Student in Medieval History
Université Paul Valéry (France)
“Recent Discoveries in Cilicia and Their Impact on Armenian Studies”
Emma Chookaszian
PhD in Medieval History and Art History
Université Paul Valéry (France)
“The Four Portraits of Hetʿum II: New Observations Regarding the Royal Portrait of the Lectionary of 1286”
12:50-1:00 Discussion
1:00-2:30 Lunch Break
Panel 3: Armenian Manuscript Arts from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Chair: Jennifer Manoukian (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA)
Anush Sargsyan
PhD Student in Art History and Scriptorium Studies
Matenadaran Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts (Armenia)
“An Exposition of Yohannes of Amida’s 17th-Century Miniature of Heavenly Jerusalem”
Marta Silvia Filippini
MA in the Conservation of Paper, Book and Archival Materials
Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario (Italy)
“The Archaeology and Conservation of Two Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts Rediscovered in Bologna”
Chahan Vidal-Gorène
PhD Student in Armenian Paleography
École Nationale des Chartes (France)
“Armenian Paleography and Handwritten Armenian Character Recognition”
3:30-3:50 Discussion
3:50-4:10 Coffee/Tea Break
Panel 4: Contemporary Politics in Eurasia and the Middle East
Chair: Daniel Fitttante (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA)
Marine Sargsyan
PhD Candidate in History
Leiden University (Netherlands)
“The Policy of Small States in the Strategies of the Great Powers: In the Case of the Republic of Armenia”
Mushegh Ghahriyan
PhD in History
Armenian National Academy of Sciences (Armenia)
“The Impact of the Syrian Crisis on the Armenian Community of Aleppo, 2011–Today”
4:50-5:00 Discussion
Panel 5: Marginalized Experiences in Armenian Society
Chair: Armen Adamian (Ethnomusicology, UCLA)
Carla Kekejian
MS/PhD Student in Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Utah (USA)
“Harsneren: Language of the Armenian Bride”
Rosie Vartyter Aroush
PhD Candidate in Near Eastern Languages & Cultures
University of California, Los Angeles (USA)
“A Life of Otherness: The Significance of Familial Support and Community Inclusivity for LGBQ Armenians”
5:40-5:50 Discussion
5:50-6:10 Guest Speaker: His Excellency The Hon. Grigor Hovhannisyan
Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the USA
6:10-8:00 Reception (Royce Hall 306)
by Maurice Missak Kelechian Independent researcher
Ararat-Eskijian Museum–Sheen Chapel
15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA