Le roi du “moultik”(dessin animé en russe) Charlie Sansonetti


imageCharlie Sansonetti est né en 1958 d'un père corse et d'une mère arménienne (Missakian). Après une formation de technicien de l'animation au CFT Gobelins, il  travaille comme réalisateur trucages et effets spéciaux sur des pubs et longs métrages. Il a réalisé les courts métrages Haute pression (1987), Rok & Rol (1987), Au fil de la vie (1988), Tangram (1990) et Insolence (2005). Il a aussi participé à la création de plusieurs studios d'animation. Il a collaboré au long métrage "Aram" de Robert Kechichian. Il a également réalisé  deux courts métrages dont "La Civilisation" et d'une série de sketches qui associe fiction et 3 D pour Pearson. Il est marié à Armineh & a 2 filles. Il est basé à Montreuil/France .


At first glance, Charlie Sansonetti, may not seem to fit the standard mold of a TeachSurfer. Yet, TeachSurfing, whose interest in cross-cultural exchanges on the global scene extends into Armenia, jumped at the opportunity to have the world-renowned animation director meet with a small, start-up digital animation studio, DigiStep, in Yerevan on November 4.

Sansonetti, who is a member of the Yerevan-based ReAnimania International Animation Film Festival’s International Advisory Board and was in Yerevan on the occasion of ReAnimania 2015 that took place in early November, is a well-established animation director with a long list of achievements and commitments which keep him extremely busy.

He was recently entrusted with the culturally delicate task of producing a 3D animation of the iconic French illustrated children’s book series, Petit Ours Brun, for France TV. During his TeachSurfing session at DigiStep, Sansonetti talked to the company’s animation artists, who listened intently to the director and asked questions, as he described the intricacies and challenges of his new project.

Sansonetti said that one of his challenges is to maintain the "feel" of the original book series, so as not to upset the delicate sensitivities of its current young readers and of past generations of French readers who have grown up with the books. A previously produced 2D version of the book series had a lukewarm reception among fiercely protective French audiences, but in the absence of alternatives, is still popular on YouTube channels.

In the TeachSurfing-facilitated meeting with DigiStep, Sansonetti said that he hopes to reverse the situation and seemed set to work meticulously on a production that meets the rigorous demands of the French public, young and old alike.

Sansonetti generously shared his plan of action, his use of specific digital animation techniques, and his deep knowledge of the secrets of his trade that would ultimately help him bring his newest project to life.

However, in keeping with the TeachSurfing spirit of two-way exchanges, Sansonetti also dived deeply and curiously into DigiStep's activities. He was fully engrossed by the small company’s achievements and projects, as they were presented by its director, Raffik Mkhitaryan …..

Taline Satamian / Teachsurf Armenia


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